Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What I moved here for...

Today I had the option to have the day off.  I seriously considered going in to work anyway, because I could use the extra money.  But...then I remembered that I didn't move to Colorado to work overtime :) So, I decided to do one of the things that I DID move here for.  Hiking in the Mountains.

I had some errands to do first, however.  I paid some bills. I stood in line at the Post Office for 40 minutes.  But I didn't mind the wait too much because I got to practice striking up conversations with strangers.  Yes, I intentionally practice that.  And...I bought pepper spray.  I feel weird saying that, but I guess its not a bad thing to have when living in a city. I already tested it out just to make sure I knew how to use it.  The spray is actually red.  Who knew?

Then, the moment I had been waiting for, I put "Boulder, CO" into my GPS.  Roooaaadtrip! Not really, because its only about 50 mins from my apartment, but I was still excited.  When I got there, I was just giddy.  Mountains were beautiful and the town just seemed...fun.  I had an emotional moment over wanting sooo badly to live in one of the smaller towns closer to the mountains like Fort Collins or Boulder, instead of the big, bustling, not-so-scenic, smog-filled city of Denver (Love ya, Denver...but I'll always be more of a small-town girl, don't take it personally).  But I took a deep breath and got over it.  Then I ate Bacon-Mac-and Cheese from Noodles & CO. 

After finding the trailhead parking lot....I deeply regretted not using the bathroom at Noodles.  Now, I've used many port-a-potties in my day, but this one.....takes the cake for being the absolute worst.  My eyes literally were watering.  It didn't kill me, but instead of getting stronger, I felt like I was gunna faint.  It was a growing up moment.  

View from parking lot.  Right away the trail heads right up to the top of that peak.

Time to hike! 

The trail was called Mt Sanitas.  It was a pretty easy hike, and although it was one big loop, the terrain was super different as you went.  The first part was my favorite...it looked like this:

This is at the top of the peak in the previous picture.

There was a narrow visible trail to follow, but....I was standing on it.  This is what was alongside of me. (Kind of dull pics, just had my camera phone this time.)  I tried doing some climbing off the trail...but I quickly realized how badly I need to invest in some hiking shoes/boots.  My Asics are great for running...not so much for climbing.

The second part of the trail was the most boring.  It looked like this: 

Still pretty? Yes.  But I saw many-a grandma on this part of the trail.

 Then here was the third part of the trail...still very easy, but a little more interesting. You at least had a rock or two to jump over. 

 Hi, mom!
 While hiking, I had alot of time to think.  I brought my ipod, but decided not to use it.  None of my thoughts were earth shattering, mostly just reflecting on my journey to live in Colorado in the first place.  Now that I'm here, what am I going to make of it?  Alongside thinking, I did a lot of praying/praising as well.  It's hard not to when you're surrounded by this kind of scenery!! 

I usually have a pretty good picture of what lies ahead of me in my immediate future.  But after my big move, I kinda feel like now I'm just coasting through the day-to-day life.  I like my job and feel so blessed to still be working for World Vision (if you missed it, you can read that story here). But I still sort of feel like I'm on auto-pilot.  Hard to explain I guess.  Once I start getting more involved in church and making more friends, I think I'll be in a better place.  I just have the deep down feeling that this season of life is more of just a stepping stone.  But I guess that's kinda how every season is...I just am more conscious of it this time.  
Anyway, back to the hike...one of my biggest realizations was how much more energized I felt after being up there.  When it comes to how I feel most connected to God, it is definitely by being in nature.  Even in Minneapolis, when I needed to recharge I would either go running on a trail through the woods, or sit by a lake.  It just centers me somehow.  So in regards to all that, I guess Colorado is a great place for me to live :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Downtown Denver on a Sunday Afternoon

I still haven't fully realized that my move to Colorado is for real.  I'm still in that stage where I think of it as an extended vacation. Which I guess I don't have a problem with yet :) I had an awesome week of meeting new people.  On Tuesday I went to a Wild/Avalanche hockey game with some coworkers which was a blast.  I also was invited to one of my new coworkers' house on Wednesday for an American Idol-watching party with some of her friends!  So, after that I was content to be a bit of a loner this weekend.  I really thank God for that characteristic of being okay doing things by myself when needed. It makes moving to a new city much more bearable! That, as well as the "good sense of directions" I am lucky to have. Especially when my GPS decides not to be helpful. So, on Saturday I went to the Mammoth Lacrosse game at the Pepsi center.  Of course I would have MUCH rather gone with other people, but I was content.  Also, it meant that no one would judge me when I finished my whole bag of mini donuts before I even got back to my seat (true story).

Then on Sunday after church I headed downtown, camera in hand, and played tourist in my new city :)
It was eerily empty, but there was also something intriguing to me about walking around an empty downtown. Anyway, welcome to downtown Denver!


Robo Mike. He saw me taking pictures, so he posed for me :P

Some new friends

Downtown Denver has some amazing church buildings!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekend Exploring.

This past weekend was great.  Really, really great. Don't believe me? That's okay, you don't have to.  But I had a blast and here are a few reasons why:

On Friday Alex, my friend from college who has lived here for over a year now, invited me out with her and some friends to check out downtown Denver! It was a blast.  We walked down 16th Street mall, which is a pedestrian-only street that is all lit up at night.  I couldn't get a decent picture on my phone, so here's one I got from Google to give you an idea...

Beautiful, huh?! (Picture from pictureninja.com)

While out with those girls I also came to realize that almost everyone you meet here is a transplant..meaning they didn't grow up here.  Which makes the culture almost like the "Freshman year" mentality in college where people are very inviting and friendly to anyone that may be new. 

I had to work on Saturday, but as soon work was done, I got a text that my cousin Danielle, who is in the process of moving from AZ to MN was at my apartment! I had read somewhere that the Denver Mammoth Lacrosse team had a game in town that night against Minnesota (Whoo!) so we decided to check it out.  SO MUCH FUN!!  Such high energy and the fans were crazy!!! 

 Pre-game show.  Still not sure why there were guys on motorcycles on the field...
The next day after church, we went out for brunch.  I love my cousin :)

So after Danielle left on Sunday, I decided to check out the paved trail by my apartment because it was really nice out.  Ended up running almost 7 miles. Take that, high altitude! 

Monday was chore-day.  Laundry and dishes got done, and I went grocery shopping.  And bought a plant.  I love plants. 
I can't believe I just posted a picture of a plant.  Sorry, guys. 

Then on Monday evening I was invited to go to Brian (who I am replacing at World Vision) and his wife Loriann's house for dinner and a movie! They also invited Ashley (my new coworker) and her husband Mitch.  The food was DELICIOUS! And it was fun getting to know them better :).

Because my schedule at work is Tues-Sat...and Monday was a holiday, I got today off.  The original plan was to go to the DMV and get a new drivers license...but I need to wait until I have proof of residency and I haven't gotten any bills here yet (not complaining). SO...I decided to go for a drive in the mountains instead!  
 This is why I didn't care that my gas tank was emptying veryyyy quickly. 

 I know, I know.  Just like every other picture of mountains you've ever seen.

 How about a picture of a buffalo?....No?

 Well...how about a picture of a bunch of buffalo??
   My rule of exploring is to exit as much as (reasonably) possible off the main highway. 
Found this in some random little mountain town. 

So that was my holiday weekend.  I feel bad I didn't go to any MLK events. I'll try harder next year.  Now it's time to go make some Pizza Hotdish for dinner...might have to go run another 7 miles after that one.  Or...not. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

First week living in Colorado: Pigeons and Dairy and Gummi Bears, Oh My!

Random facts and observations in my first week as a Colorado resident:

I love my new job.  The first couple days were super exhausting both physically and mentally.  Remember, I had basically been unemployed for the past month and a half.  I was happy to actually be a contributing member of society again, but it took a few days to get back in the groove of the whole working thing.

 We have a stretch wrapping machine.  You probably don't appreciate that..but trust me.  It's awesome.

My new coworkers are great and super fun.  The actual work is VERY different from my World Vision job in Minneapolis.  Many similarities of course...but also super different.  Both good...just...different.  Did I mention it's different?

I don't mind living alone as much as I thought I would.  I FOR SURE miss my roomie (love you nicoley!!), but I'm making do.  I listen to a lot of Pandora. And for some reason I'm a lot cleaner.  I do all my dishes right away, and clean up everything.  I'm almost OCD about it which is very not me.  Maybe its partly boredom since I have no friends here yet...and no cable :)

I do have a pigeon porch-mate.  He lives...on my porch. He poops in the corner which is gross.  And I actually hate pigeons.  But I kinda like him.  I've named him Gus cuz he's kinda chubby as far as pigeons go. And somehow I associate the name Gus with being overweight? I'm not sure. Apologies to any skinny Gus's out there. 
Evidence of Gus

Colorado has bad dairy products.  Well, not bad...I guess its just different.  I'm kinda picky. Especially when it comes to my dairy.   The eggs are weird and the cottage cheese is almost inedible.  If you come visit from MN, bring me some cheese please.  

It's sooo dry here.  I get bloody noses that I never remember ever getting before and my skin is all cracked.  I can hardly put face makeup on in the mornings without putting on three gallons of lotion first. Everything is static-y.  I sit on my couch with my phone plugged in...and every move I make sends a shock to me through my phone.  Can't be good.

I love my new couch.  Except for when it shocks me.

I haven't gotten a gym membership...and I'm not sure I will get one.  My coworkers have a little gym set up in the basement of the warehouse and apparently do P90x during lunch breaks.  Score.  I'll need to figure out the running situation soon tho, especially since I just signed up for my first full marathon this fall...but wanna do another half this spring. But it's dark out before and after work still and I am (well, my mom is) paranoid about me getting abducted and no one knowing if I didn't come home after a run...I need a dog.  A big dog.

Speaking of dogs....or hedgehogs....I'm bringing Quincy to work tomorrow. I hope he behaves.

Tomorrow night my cousin from Arizona is driving up to Minnesota for a job interview and she is going to stay with me on her way! I'm SO excited to see her again :) :) And excited for what God is doing in her life and where He is leading her! Love you, D!

Well, now I'm about to go purchase some Gophers vs Pioneers hockey tickets for when Emily comes and visits me in February...SUPER excited about that too! My first MN visitor!!

Speaking of MN...it didn't take long for me to get made fun of for my Minnesota accent.  The first actual word was: Tag.  Yesterday I got made fun of for saying Uffda.  I hope I never stop saying Uffda.  It's on my top 10 list of words for sure.  Possibly even top 5. 

Anyway, that's all for now.  This weekend I'm going to check out a new church, as well as downtown Denver and work on getting my Colorado license, and new Colorado license plates, etc.  Fun stuff....

Oh. Here's a picture of my gummi bears I'm eating.  
Not that you care.  I just felt like blogging about gummi bears.

Friday, January 6, 2012

First Impressions

I haven't even lived in Denver for 24 hours yet, but I already love it! Yesterday was super busy.  My mom and I got to town after a 7 hour drive which in itself is oddly exhausting...even though you're just sitting there....

Right when we crossed the border from Wyoming into Colorado, we could see the Rocky Mountains.

 Helloooo Rockies! 

Once we got to Aurora we signed the lease, got my keys, then started unloading the truck.  My dad doesn't come until tomorrow, so it was up to my mom and I to bring my bed, bookcase, coffee table, and seemingly thousands (keyword: seemingly) of boxes up three flights of stairs.  Maybe not my best decision to live on the third floor...but the vaulted ceiling and skylight convinced me it was worth it.

Once it was all unloaded we had to find somewhere to get a money order for the first month's rent.  Found a Safeway up on a hill...with an awesome view.  Hello Rockies again! I hope I never take them for granted..

Then we got some cheap decorative stuff at Goodwill including a wood holder for my fireplace.

Yay for fireplaces! Notice my sweet new wood holder! With firewood in it! Now someone come visit and help me so I don't burn my apartment down...

Then we ate at Old Chicago which is only a couple blocks away. Their Italian Nachos might someday be the death of me.

Then time for shopping.  Went to Target & King Soopers (Colorado grocery store chain) and spent too much money on decorations that I don't really need...but also on some food and things that I suppose I do need.

Came back to the apartment and unpacked a bit. Put up my new shower curtain and rugs in the bathroom...
Notice the little kid shampoo on the shelf.  It leaked allll over my stuff during the trip.  Why do I have little kid's shampoo? Because it's the kind that takes chlorine out of your hair after swimming. Don't judge me.

Then we went to bed.  Well we tried.  Kinda creepy sleeping in an apartment full of boxes for the first time.  But we gave it our best effort...and the 6:30 alarm came fast.  We got up early this morning to test out my morning commute to work.  Not bad at all! Traffic was surprisingly light but it still took me 20 minutes to get to work.  Oh well.  I'll deal.  Now it's time to go couch shopping then to Ikea.  See ya savings account!!

Rocky Mountain pic from karenoia.com

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Anna & Maria

Just like last year, my family went to our hometown for Christmas and stayed with our close family friends for 10 days. They got me addicted to the show 24, and we watched a whole season and a half on Netflix at night after going to hockey games and visiting with family and friends!  I have babysat these girls since I was 12...and yesterday was Anna's 12th birthday! They are so much fun :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And World Vision It Is!

God is so faithful! He has just blown me away this past month. 

As many of you know, I got laid off the beginning of December, (you can read more about that here). My plan was to move to Colorado. I have always wanted to live there, I was not stuck in a lease in Minneapolis, and I was just ready for something new! It was definitely a leap of faith, moving to a whole new state and city with no job, and no real connections.  But I jumped.  And God caught me!

So I'll back up a bit...my mom and I drove from Spearfish, SD (where my parents live now) to Colorado to look at apartments the second week of December.   We looked in 4 different cities.  I had applied for a job in Colorado Springs for Compassion International, but when we went there to get a tour I found out the position had just been filled. Although disappointed, this was actually a blessing to find out so that I didn't feel obligated to live in Colorado Springs.  I found an apartment I really liked in Aurora which is a suburb of Denver, and I also found one I really liked in Fort Collins.  I was moving ahead with the process of getting approved for the one in Fort Collins.  I loved the city--smaller but still plenty to offer--and closer to the mountains.  I then applied for a handful of jobs in FC, but not a single one that I was excited about. 

After getting back from Colorado, I prayed a lot about moving. I began to have a few reservations about living in Fort Collins specifically. Mainly because I knew the job situation would be more limited than in Denver, but also because it is a very white, middle-class city. Many people look for that, but I like being exposed to different types of people who aren't "like me".  I prayed about whether or not Fort Collins was where I should be.  I was stressed about signing a lease on an apartment with no job. I prayed for a job. Let's just say, I was praying a lot.

Then, in the middle of a run....God began to answer those prayers.  I had gotten a call from Max who is the Warehouse Manager for the World Vision GIK Global Distribution Center in Denver.  To preface why he had called me, I should explain that before leaving Minneapolis, I had contacted the Site Manager there in Denver who had visited our warehouse in the Twin Cities.  During that visit, we figured out we were both from the same small town in northern Minnesota.  He had even played golf with my dad! I had emailed him right when we found out about the layoffs and asked him to let me know if any positions opened up in Denver.  I knew nothing about the Denver site and for some reason I figured they had a very large staff.  They don't.  They only have 4 staff (and about 10,000 volunteers/yr). And it just so happened that 1 of those 4 staff was leaving and they needed someone to start January 9th.  I knew NOTHING about this when I decided to make my move to Colorado.  To be honest, before getting the call from Max, I had kind of forgotten I had even emailed the site manager about open positions.

I talked with Max about the position which was essentially the same position I had been doing in Minneapolis and told him that I was for sure interested.  After the phone call, I knew this was exactly what God has been preparing me for.  Keep in mind I hadn't been offered the position yet, but I immediately started making phone calls.  I canceled the application process for the apartment in Fort Collins, then I called the leasing office at the apartment I liked in Aurora (... I later found out that the WV Storehouse is IN AURORA!! Well, technically Denver but its right on the border) and started filling out all the paperwork for that apartment instead.

The next week I had an hour-long phone interview with the staff which went well.  Then I waited. The position had to be posted online for a few days to be fair to any other potentially interested internal applicants. I waited some more through the Christmas holiday.  Then on December 27, I got the call from the recruiter formally offering me the position! I don't think I've ever gotten such a big hug from my dad after I hung up the phone :)

So, this Thursday I will be officially moving to the Denver area and will start my new job on Monday, January 9th.  God is SO good. 

Here are the biggest things that make me just stand back and go "WOW". 

1.  I would have never gotten this job if I hadn't worked for WV in Minneapolis, and I would have never gotten that job if I hadn't worked for a garbage and recycling plant in high school where I learned how to drive a fork-lift. 

2. I loved working for the U.S. Programs (domestic) side of World Vision, but I had always wanted to work for the International side of it since I love learning about other cultures and my degree is in Sociocultural Studies. ...which I will be doing in Denver.

3. I wouldn't have known about any of this if someone hadn't suggested that I reach out to the Site Manager in Denver...who happened to be from my hometown in MN that most people have never even heard of.

4. The Storehouse just happens to be in Aurora...which is the only suburb of Denver in which I had looked at apartments.

5. Out of a staff of only 4, what are the chances that the one position that I actually qualify for would be available the beginning of January....

The list truly goes on...and I'm sure I am barely seeing a glimpse of what God has in store for me on this new adventure. 

Wow.  To God be the Glory!