Friday, January 6, 2012

First Impressions

I haven't even lived in Denver for 24 hours yet, but I already love it! Yesterday was super busy.  My mom and I got to town after a 7 hour drive which in itself is oddly exhausting...even though you're just sitting there....

Right when we crossed the border from Wyoming into Colorado, we could see the Rocky Mountains.

 Helloooo Rockies! 

Once we got to Aurora we signed the lease, got my keys, then started unloading the truck.  My dad doesn't come until tomorrow, so it was up to my mom and I to bring my bed, bookcase, coffee table, and seemingly thousands (keyword: seemingly) of boxes up three flights of stairs.  Maybe not my best decision to live on the third floor...but the vaulted ceiling and skylight convinced me it was worth it.

Once it was all unloaded we had to find somewhere to get a money order for the first month's rent.  Found a Safeway up on a hill...with an awesome view.  Hello Rockies again! I hope I never take them for granted..

Then we got some cheap decorative stuff at Goodwill including a wood holder for my fireplace.

Yay for fireplaces! Notice my sweet new wood holder! With firewood in it! Now someone come visit and help me so I don't burn my apartment down...

Then we ate at Old Chicago which is only a couple blocks away. Their Italian Nachos might someday be the death of me.

Then time for shopping.  Went to Target & King Soopers (Colorado grocery store chain) and spent too much money on decorations that I don't really need...but also on some food and things that I suppose I do need.

Came back to the apartment and unpacked a bit. Put up my new shower curtain and rugs in the bathroom...
Notice the little kid shampoo on the shelf.  It leaked allll over my stuff during the trip.  Why do I have little kid's shampoo? Because it's the kind that takes chlorine out of your hair after swimming. Don't judge me.

Then we went to bed.  Well we tried.  Kinda creepy sleeping in an apartment full of boxes for the first time.  But we gave it our best effort...and the 6:30 alarm came fast.  We got up early this morning to test out my morning commute to work.  Not bad at all! Traffic was surprisingly light but it still took me 20 minutes to get to work.  Oh well.  I'll deal.  Now it's time to go couch shopping then to Ikea.  See ya savings account!!

Rocky Mountain pic from

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