Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oh, Hey Washington!

I realized last night that in the past 3 months I've been in 9 different states. (MA,NH,MN,ND,SD,WY,OR,WA,CO)

So, I mean, that's sweet. 

My life feels a bit A.D.D lately.  Runnin this way and that way, visiting these people, those people coming to visit me....

I only wish my life could always be like this!

I guess it would get exhausting after awhile, but I'm enjoying the ride while I can :) 

Last weekend I got to go to Washington to visit my boyfriend, Josh.  Best. Weekend. Ever.  I'm warning you now, I'll try to keep it to a minimum, but there might be a bit of eye-roll-inducing sappiness ahead.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  

I'm a lucky girl :) 

But really, I couldn't have imagined the weekend going any better! So fun to hang out with him in his hometown and meet a bunch of his 'people'.  Met his parents, grandma, a bunch of friends, his Godkids (that made me super cute crafts...) people from his church, etc. etc. etc.  Got to see where he plays softball, where he works, where he plays pool, where he rides his motorcycle, where he....well, where he lives.  You get it. 

P.s. I got a ride on his motorcycle! Never been on a sport bike before.  Not a Harley, was still fun :)

Crafts from his Godkids :) 

On Saturday we drove to Oregon to visit my grandma, (who had a stroke last year and isn't doing very well) my aunt, and 3 cousins.  SOOO good and fun to see them!! We watched my 16 yr old cousin play some basketball, then we went to their house for awhile where my grandma was.  I got to talk to her a little, definitely hard to see her like that--not the same grandma at all.  But she recognized me by name and I got an "I love you, Kirsten" when I left.  Tears? Yep.  

And when we were giving them goodbye hugs my aunt told me she approved of Josh :) She got to meet him before my parents even have!! So far, so good ;)

After he picked me up from the airport we ate at a Mexican restaurant and had fried ice cream!
Don't worry, he shared :P

The night we got back from Oregon we met up with my best friend from MN, Danielle! She's been in Seattle for training before she moves to Alaska for 6 months and then HAWAII!!! Fun to see her, even if just for a couple hours!!!

Was super weird for me to be with the two of them at the same time worlds were colliding.  Life is weird.  But great.  In a weirdly great way.  

But it really was an awesome weekend.  And it was brutally, depressingly hard to come back to Colorado again. (Who thought I'd ever say that??)  But they have GREEN TREES, and LAKES and MOUNTAINS in Washington! Colorado has 100+ degrees days for weeks on end, and lots of brown scenery and hardly any lakes.....but I guess we have mountains and lots of sunshine.  And I do love mountains.  And sunshine. It's okay, Colorado, I still love you, but I'm sorry if you and I end up being more of just a fling. 

Snoqualmie falls.  We got soaked.

I feel like we spent half the weekend driving around in his car.  Good thing he has a nice car ;)

Long distance relationships...wouldn't recommend them.  But he makes it worth it. [Aaaand, there's the sap :)]

Anyway, there are some interesting potential career happenings for both of us on the we will see where the Lord leads!

This season of life is interesting.  I feel like I'm running at 100mph, but like I'm also having to be super patient.  I honestly don't know how people who aren't Christians get through life.  I'd be a wreck if I didn't have faith that God's got it all planned out.  I'm not good at not knowing what's coming next, but I do know that He is always faithful and has perfect timing!  

Life is truly an adventure and I'm loving every minute of it :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Life is what happens..

So two weekends ago, this happened:

Roomie came to visit for a weekend and we did the 5K Color Run, which proudly claims to be "The happiest 5K in the world" or something like that. I have to admit, it was pretty dang happy.  I don't really know why they make a race out of it, though.  Just get 10,000 people in a park and give them a bunch of packets of that color powder. All people want are the pictures anyway.  Making it a 5K just makes you feel guilty that you should be running.

If you run the whole 3.1 miles of a Color have no soul.

Nicole and I did lots of other stuff while she was here, but I've already inundated Facebook with pictures of what we were doing literally every second she was here.  If we are Facebook friends, thank you for sticking around :)

Fun, fun weekend.  Love you, roomie.  Come live with me again.  We owe it to chocolate chip cookies.

So this past weekend I just got back from my parents' house in Spearfish, SD.  My uncle from Florida was there, as well as my cousin from Fargo with her brand new 2-month old baby.  Every family event is a bajillion times better with a baby, in my opinion.  So it really was a great mini family reunion.

What made it official was the house being filled with every type of dessert and sugar filled food item possible, and my mom constantly offering it to us.  "Why don't you have some ice cream? Who wants cake!  Finish this, or it will go bad.  Cinnamon rolls for breakfast! (And yes, I did just have to go to my spice cabinet to figure out how to correctly spell cinnamon.)"

I have also inundated Facebook with pictures of this trip, so I'll only add the ones I didn't post there.

So here, come along with us on our lil family trip to the Spearfish Fish Hatchery!

Baby E progression: 

K so.  They're siblings.  No resemblance at all, right? Goodness gracious. 

Cousins.  Notice the rival teams t-shirts.  We didn't.  Because I love her.  

Dad bought fish food! 

Yes, so here we are...feeding the fish. 

 Showin Tommy trout some love. 

If I was normal height, this is how we would stand.  Nope. I'm tall. And a step down.  

Aaaand.  She's cute :)

In other news, I start my co-ed rec soccer league this Tuesday.  

Nervous.  Sure, I can run 13 miles.  But sprinting short distances? Ball handling skills? Coordination? Kill me now. I also just realized I don't know where my soccer cleats are.  So I'll be showing up in my Asics running shoes.  "Hey guys!" 

And I've started a small group through church with Alex on Wednesday nights.  Pretty pumped about that actually!  

Oh! And guess what? Next weekend I'm flying to Seattle to hang out with this pretty amazing guy I get to call my boyfriend.  So I get to see where he's from and meet some of his people :)  Also, I'm taking him with to go see my family in Oregon AND my best friend is in Seattle for training before she goes to Alaska (She's got a more intense version of my same adventurous spirit.  And I love her. ) so he gets to meet her too! God has been good in this part of life.  Pretty blessed!!! 

Life is still crazy.  God is still good.  Colorado is still sunny and warm every day. So there you have it! Life of Kirsten.