On Friday Alex, my friend from college who has lived here for over a year now, invited me out with her and some friends to check out downtown Denver! It was a blast. We walked down 16th Street mall, which is a pedestrian-only street that is all lit up at night. I couldn't get a decent picture on my phone, so here's one I got from Google to give you an idea...

Beautiful, huh?! (Picture from pictureninja.com)
While out with those girls I also came to realize that almost everyone you meet here is a transplant..meaning they didn't grow up here. Which makes the culture almost like the "Freshman year" mentality in college where people are very inviting and friendly to anyone that may be new.
I had to work on Saturday, but as soon work was done, I got a text that my cousin Danielle, who is in the process of moving from AZ to MN was at my apartment! I had read somewhere that the Denver Mammoth Lacrosse team had a game in town that night against Minnesota (Whoo!) so we decided to check it out. SO MUCH FUN!! Such high energy and the fans were crazy!!!
Pre-game show. Still not sure why there were guys on motorcycles on the field...
The next day after church, we went out for brunch. I love my cousin :)
So after Danielle left on Sunday, I decided to check out the paved trail by my apartment because it was really nice out. Ended up running almost 7 miles. Take that, high altitude!
Monday was chore-day. Laundry and dishes got done, and I went grocery shopping. And bought a plant. I love plants.
I can't believe I just posted a picture of a plant. Sorry, guys.
Then on Monday evening I was invited to go to Brian (who I am replacing at World Vision) and his wife Loriann's house for dinner and a movie! They also invited Ashley (my new coworker) and her husband Mitch. The food was DELICIOUS! And it was fun getting to know them better :).
Because my schedule at work is Tues-Sat...and Monday was a holiday, I got today off. The original plan was to go to the DMV and get a new drivers license...but I need to wait until I have proof of residency and I haven't gotten any bills here yet (not complaining). SO...I decided to go for a drive in the mountains instead!
This is why I didn't care that my gas tank was emptying veryyyy quickly.
I know, I know. Just like every other picture of mountains you've ever seen.
How about a picture of a buffalo?....No?
Well...how about a picture of a bunch of buffalo??
My rule of exploring is to exit as much as (reasonably) possible off the main highway.
Found this in some random little mountain town.
So that was my holiday weekend. I feel bad I didn't go to any MLK events. I'll try harder next year. Now it's time to go make some Pizza Hotdish for dinner...might have to go run another 7 miles after that one. Or...not.
such a beautiful state!!