Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Green Smoothie

Maybe you have heard of the new trend of "Green Smoothies". Well...after a day of very unhealthy eating...I was inspired to try one. So I ventured to the grocery store and bought a few things...including two things I don't think I have ever bought myself before---Organic Spinach and Organic Flaxseed.

Spinach and flaxseed in a smoothie?!?! Yes...you may think its crazy...but hear me out.
This is what I put in the blender:
Strawberries, Raspberries, Banana, Orange Juice, a few ice cubes, some Flaxseed---and a handful of Spinach. I blended it all up and did the taste test---I am not at all a Spinach fan, but I couldn't taste it at ALL...so I added more, and then even a bit more. Seriously it was all green and I couldn't taste the Spinach because of all the fruit and juice. So there ya have it. My new attempt at being healthy.

This isn't my picture but this is about what my smoothie looked like--except a little more brownish green.

Try it, I dare ya.

Photo from slashfood.com

Sunday, October 10, 2010


God is so faithful. In life we're gunna get thrown curveballs, and there are going to be tough times, but He promises He is always with us. He goes before us and knows exactly what we need to live out His Will--we just have to trust and follow Him.

First Praise--My parents moved out to South Dakota--and they are LOVING it!! The move went well, lots of good friends to help them with that...and now they are officially retired and can just relax and enjoy life! They get to explore the beautiful scenery and their new town while spending time together. I am so excited that they have this awesome opportunity to retire so young and enjoy it. It came at a perfect time on my side too. Being a recent college graduate, I have had to depend on my parents financially my whole life until right about the time they moved. I had two part time jobs which was enough for me to pretty much get by on my own. This is a praise because now I am no longer financially dependent on them--which would have been tough since they are on a retirement salary now :).

Second Praise--Nathan got offered a job with Cargill when he finishes school this May! Awesome opportunity for a college student to already have a job lined up with a great company. He got to choose from a couple different locations, but ultimately decided on going back to North Carolina. He will be in a different city than he did his internship, but he knows people at the plant he will be at, and he will be an hour closer to the beach! Along with this comes some big decisions for our relationship---and after alot of stressful, unproductive conversations we have decided just to rest in knowing that God is in control. He will work things out whichever way is best for us. Not having control is scary, but also freeing because He always has our best interests at heart...even though we may have to go through some hard times to get there.

Third Praise--Two weeks before my part time temporary job at the Museum is done...I got offered the Full-Time position at World Vision!!! God is SO faithful. He had been working behind the scenes on this for awhile and I had no idea--it completely blindsided me and I am so in awe of the perfectness of it all! It completely humbles me in knowing that He truly is in control and I just need to be a faithful follower and go through the trials to get to the perfect plan He has for me.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Mystery Revealed...

Many men wonder what's really in a woman's purse. Well, at the Museum I have been doing bag check...which includes looking in hundreds of purses a day. Because of this...I myself have even learned alot about what's really in a woman's purse. There are many factors...but there are also many patterns--specifically related to the age of the woman.
Here goes...
What you can expect to see in a purse of:
Ages 7-12: Candy, a few Dollars and Loose Coins.
Ages 13-16: Gum, Wallet, Camera, Cell Phone, Lip Gloss.
Ages 17-26: Gum, Makeup, Camera, High Tech Cell Phone, Car Keys, Wallet, Ipod, Sunglasses.
Ages 27-44: Sometimes doubles as a Diaper Bag, Cell Phone, Keys, Wallet, Receipts, Gum, Cheerios, Kleenex, Nail Clipper, Nail file, Mints, Camera, Sunscreen, Hand Sanitizer, Lotion, Extra Hair Binders, Band-Aids, etc. etc. etc.
Ages 45-55: Wallet, Cell Phone, Car Keys, Camera, Receipts, Lip Stick.
Ages 55+: Kleenex, Wallet, Kleenex, Simple Cell Phone, Kleenex, Kleenex, Kleenex.

Not that you wanted to, but now you know.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Life of New Adjustments

My parents are moving from my hometown on September 1st. I won't go "home" to Thief River Falls anymore...but since home is where the heart is....it will now be in Spearfish, SD!!
I just got a new job...working for World Vision!! I'm so excited...because when I chose my major in college--Sociocultural Studies--I said I wanted to do that so I could work "with an organization like World Vision someday". God is good :)
Nathan leaves North Carolina today! It is crazy that he has been gone for 8 months..and that this time in our relationship is almost over! It will be quite an adjustment going back to having a boyfriend to hang out with again!
It cannot be said enough...but God is so good!! He has taken such good care of my family and me. Sometimes things don't go quite as we had planned..but looking back those times were vital in the plan to get us to where we are now. It has definitely tested my faith..and therefore made it that much stronger! I just don't know what to do with all the joy and happiness I have knowing that God is real..and He is taking care of me :)

Photo from vi.sualize.us

Not [Just] a Personal Relationship...

What does being a Christian mean? Most first responses that we as Christians usually give is..."Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ". Which is true..but is that really all it is? That sounds pretty self-centered and selfish if you think about it. I have recently been challenged to look again at Scriptures..it is not hard to find a passage dealing with the poor. In fact, there are about 2,000 verses in the Bible that speak of the poor and needy. As Christians we are followers of Christ...He filled His life in helping, healing, and developing relationships with the poor. I remember getting back from Guatemala and feeling almost guilty..for being privileged and having everything I need when I had lived among and been served by those who aren't as fortunate. However, I had to remember what Luke 12:48 says, "..From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." That sounds pretty straightforward to me! Let's delight in the blessings God has given us, but let us in turn share them with others...whether in monetary donations or acts of service.

One cool thing that KTIS--A Christian radio station here in the Twin Cities--is advocating for is the "Drive-thru Difference". Next time you go to Caribou or Mcdonald's drive-thru..pay for the person behind you in line. Its a small thing you can do to really make someone's day!

Monday, June 28, 2010

[Healthy] Obsession

I have a new obsession: Biking. Since discovering that there is a nature bike trail right next to my apartment that goes directly to Lake Calhoun..I have become addicted. It is 6 miles to the Lake and 3 miles around it, so a regular journey ends up being about 15 miles. However, lately that is not enough, and I have begun riding around the Lake multiple times (GREAT people watching at Lake Calhoun!!) or else continuing on the trail past my apartment down the other way, which adds on an unknown amount of miles as well. This is one blessing of not having cable/internet; It forces me to get outside, and enjoy two things I love: Nature and being active. When I can combine the two..I'm a very happy girl. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I can bike that many miles and not feel like death. I also feel more connected to who I am--and who God is--when I am immersed in nature. So here's my challenge: Take out your bike and go on a mini adventure--go wherever the trail leads you! You might just find a new fun activity to enjoy....and in the very least, its a fun way to exercise....and even gets you off Facebook for awhile!

Life; How i'm living it.

Its almost July. Wait, what? When did that happen!? Well, it has, and this is what I've been up to:
Tricia and Stephans wedding! We all had a blast going down to Kenosha, Wisconsin for their wedding..and also for the Bachelorette party in Chicago! It was a fun time celebrating their marriage, and also spending time with all of our college friends--we've been friends since Freshman year of college..and now we're all graduated! I hope those friendships continue for many years!!
I moved! I now live with a new roommate: Nicole. She's awesome and we've had lots of good bonding time since we are too cheap to pay for Cable/Internet yet. I also moved to the opposite side of the city, so I've had to find a new grocery store, gas station, Target, Caribou (for my internet of course!) and many more random things I never thought of having to find! I'm still looking for a new church--the last one I tried ended up being quite an experience! Don't get me wrong, it ended up being a good experience, but I don't think that will be my regular church!
I'm in another interview process! I usually don't like telling people things like that unless I actually got a new job...but its exciting nonetheless. Its for a job with World Vision...unfortunately only a part time job, but that means I could still work at the Science Museum so I'm happy about that. This is the type of job I really would love to get--so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my prayers flowing!
I'm going back to North Carolina! On Thursday I'm flying out to North Carolina again to spend the holiday weekend with Nathan. We're planning on driving out to the ocean to watch fireworks on the beach!!! I'm very excited, and I even get to stay for 6 days this time! Super excited :). Once I get back it will only be about a month until he's home for good!! We have almost made it through the challenging 9 months of a long distance relationship!

I guess thats all the news I have for you as of now, time to make good use of my time here at Caribou and watch a couple of my shows I've gotten behind on :) God bless!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time...
Although life was different than she expected it to be,
She grew to know and trust her Prince more and more each day,
Her Prince being the one who is always there for her no matter what.
Not just an earthly boy, but both God and Man...the One who died for her.
She couldn't imagine anyone better to put her trust in.
There is peace, joy, and true happiness with Him.
She has learned to give her dreams and aspirations to Him...
Because He can do MUCH more with them through her than she ever could on her own.
Life isn't a fairytale...and as the saying goes...
He never said it would be easy...just that we wouldn't have to do it alone.
She has been saved by grace because of Him...and because of that...
Will live happily ever after.

Image from http://vi.sualize.us

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Hobby...

At the end of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Science Museum (where I currently work), there is a beautiful display of the new St. John's Bible...history's NEWEST handwritten and illustrated Bible which you can see at http://www.saintjohnsbible.org/. Well, it has inspired me to try and learn some calligraphy. So, when I went to the art store to buy supplies to make my mother's day gift, I also picked up some calligraphy pens! So I spent the evening practicing. It's really fun and sort of addicting! There are SO many different styles of calligraphy so I'm excited to learn more. Here is a little glimpse of my first few "practice pages".
Week 1:

Week 2:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tricia & Stephan's "Storm" Shower

When beginning to plan my roommate Tricia's Bridal Shower, one of the bridesmaids suggested we do a "Storm" shower instead. I had never heard of a Storm shower before, but once the term was explained, everyone agreed it was the perfect idea. Tricia and Stephan's friend group consists mostly of couples, and we all hang out together usually. Well, a Storm shower is basically a bridal shower, but the guys can come, too! (Hidden perk: Both the bride AND groom-to-be get shower presents). They will be getting married in Kenosha, Wisconsin, so all of their Minnesota friends invited to the wedding were invited to the Storm shower.
We had the shower at Lindsay's (maid-of-honor) mom's home, which was perfect! We knew we wanted to document it, so Lindsay's mom offered to let us use her DSLR camera...so I got to play! Here are a few lil snapshots of the Storm shower.
Lindsay, Me, and Rachel went a little early to set-up.
Close-up of their cake that Rachel decorated=)

Food! We also had twice-baked potatoes..yum!
Rachel helping Tricia put on the "Bride-to-be" apron they made for her.
Tricia with her apron. It says "I kiss better than I cook!"


Playing "LaBarre Trivia".. Stephan was very stingy about giving us points for our answers!
Opening presents!

I think I can speak for everyone that the Storm shower was a success!! Best wishes Stephan and Tricia! And thanks to Rachel and Lindsay for planning it, and for those two and Randiann running all over creation to get food, supplies, gifts and prizes!!
If the shower was this much fun..I can't wait for the wedding!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life by Numbers

Since I have had a mysterious fever for the past week, my life seems invaded by numbers. My daily identity has become a number.
For example: Mom/Roommate/Boyfriend: "How are you today?" Me: "Well, last night I was 101.7, but now i'm down to 100.3" Because of this, I am inspired to blog about my day today...in numbers.
Tonight, I found 1 spider crawling on my bed. I usually don't mind spiders...but I'm not a huge fan when they decide to take a lil stroll across my sheets.
(This is the least creepy spider picture I could find ha)
I bought groceries tonight, and strawberries were on sale! So I got 2 containers of them. Hellooooo smoothies!

Because I have to work tomorrow morning, Danielle and I went to church tonight at 6 (Saturday night service) instead! It was awesome! We tried a new church, and it was an awesome message---about the importance of Joy. Also, we both commented that its kind of nice to go to church and not have the stresses of Sunday night homework/things to do right after church. I think I can speak for both of us..that we were blessed tonight :)

It is only 33 more days from today until I get to see Nathan again! He comes to Fargo for a weekend when his friend is getting married! Then, its only about 2 1/2 months after that until he's home for good!

Well, it is now 9:35 and I am roommate-less for the night, so I'm going to read the new book I bought for $19.99 from church tonight! I will most likely blog about the book later if it is as good as I hope it to be!

All pictures except the last one from vi.sualize.us.com

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Coincidence? Absolutely Not.

When you are given the same group of Bible verses, through 4 different mediums, in the time span of 9 days...that is not a coincidence. Rather, that is an Amazing God.
I attended a Sanctus Real concert last Friday, and they shared some verses from Galatians 5 that influenced some of their lyrics off their new album...and the verses really spoke to me at this time in my life.
On Sunday I went to Sanctuary Covenant Church and Pastor Ephrem spoke on the whole chapter of Galatians 5....my first "wow" moment.
There is a daily Bible verse website that I check everyday, and on Tuesday, Galatians 5:16 & 17 were my daily verses....Wow...
Today, I went to a church I've never been to before, all by myself...and guess what that Pastor spoke on? Galatians 5.
Needless to say...My God is an Awesome God...and He really does speak to us in a variety of ways..cuz thats how much He loves us and desires for us to draw near to Him. Wow =)
Here are a few of my favorite verses from Galatians 5:

Galatians 5

Freedom in Christ
1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
16So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Intentions....Awful Manners.

I recently saw an episode of Jessica Simpson's new reality show, "The Price of Beauty". When I had seen advertisements for it earlier, I thought it was going to be really cool...because the whole concept is to go around the world and see what other cultures think is beautiful. I had high hopes and was excited to see what she found. However, I was disappointed in the episode I watched. She had gone to Thailand..and she did find interesting perspectives on beauty..for example they value pale skin because it shows a symbol of high status because those who have lower class jobs usually work out in the sun which causes them to have darker skin.
I really like how she is truly interested in learning new things from women around the world, and how open and honest she is with them. However, what I found to be disappointing was her occasional lack of respect and cultural sensitivity shown. For example, their host Thai woman showed them a street vendor who sold fried bugs...which have good nutrients that keep your skin healthy and beautiful. They all tried a bug, and made a HUGE scene in the middle of the market, gagging and screaming in a very obnoxious way. Yeah, eating fried bugs is gross...but these are delicacies to the Thai people...you need to show some respect. Jessica also had a laughing attack during a meditation with a Buddhist monk. That's a very sacred ritual to them, you need to keep it together. Yeah it makes for funny tv...but it also makes Americans look even more full of ourselves and hopelessly ethnocentric than we already are.
Don't get me wrong, I will still probably watch the show because of my obsession with learning about different cultures, and she does learn alot about other perceptions of beauty. I like her curiosity and adventurous spirit. With that being said, although there are good intentions and I like the idea of seeing how different cultures pursue and define beauty, I hope Jessica and her friends also learn to be more respectful and culturally sensitive throughout their experience.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

5 points=An Update.

Updates on my life within the last month or so....

1. I spent a week in Arizona mid February, visiting my lovely family there [Grandma, Aunt, and 4 wonderful girl cousins=)]
Me with the two youngest girls..Bryana and Brooklyn
2. I then proceeded to get a new job! Science Museum of Minnesota--as a Visitors Assistant for the new exhibit--The Dead Sea Scrolls. LOVE it so far!!
3. Then I made a last minute decision to go to North Carolina to visit Nathan for about 5 days after my job training but before I actually started. Had a BLAST! (I feel very blessed to have taken 2 big trips less than a month apart!)
Nathan and I with our Twins Logo sandcastle

4. Beans the Gecko is now happy and eating! Tonight he ate 8 worms...that is his record for one sitting since he has been in my care. I also tried to hold him..but he wasn't feelin it...probly cuz he had a belly full of worms.
5. I am mentally preparing myself to begin training for a half marathon (not brave enuf yet to tackle training for the full!). However...I am very discouraged at the thought of running so many miles on a treadmill to train..so I have to map out routes in my neighborhood..and pray the weather stays fairly nice.
Well there ya have it. 5 Highlights in the life of Kirsten....OH! one more....Traci gets to come and stay with me next weekend....and I will probably be blogging about that so stay tuned ;)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rejoicing in the Lord

I am at a crossroads in my life. I have no plans of my own--whether that is a good or a bad thing, I'm not quite sure. I do not have a job yet, but I have no doubt that God will provide--because He always does. In this time, I have learned to be joyful and rejoice in the Lord even though things may not be going how I want them to.
My vacation in Arizona is done--it always goes so fast. I will rejoice and be thankful I had the privilege of going on that trip and getting a break from the cold MN winter!
I am sad that I have to move away from my home in TRF again--I love living with my parents because we get along sooo well and they are my biggest encouragements and support. I will rejoice that I have such amazing parents and always have a loving home to come to if I need.
I am moving to the cities today--jobless. I will rejoice that I get to go back to all of my friends that live there, and be joyful knowing that God is on my side and will lead me to where He wants me to go and do.
And last but not least...
I am worried about the Gecko surviving another relocation back to the cities. I will rejoice and be thankful that this time I have a travel companion =)

photo from http://vi.sualize.us

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Making Hats on a Snowy Saturday

My friend Traci had asked me to make her some little kid/baby hats she could use as props in some of her photoshoots. (Plug for her website: http://traci-catchingbutterflies.blogspot.com/) Since it was a snowy Saturday, I spent the day making these three hats. They were so much fun to make! Especially the little flower and the pom-poms =).
This one turned out the smallest (for some reason they were very hard to keep small!)

All three hats =)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tribute to Grandpa

Grandpa Donald--June 28, 1932--February 9, 2001

My Grandpa Donald was an artist. He had his Masters degree in Art, and taught art at the high school in Thief River Falls for many years. I remember being a little girl and curiously going into his art room at his house. He would sometimes let me use some of his paints, but usually I wasn't allowed to even be in there. When I was around 7 yrs old, he got diagnosed with something similar to Alzheimers Disease. Because of this, I have very few memories of him when he was his true self. I remember he would always tug on my hair and I'd turn around and he'd look around and whistle, acting all innocent :) I spent alot of time at my grandparents' house, and I watched as the disease slowly took my grandpa away. I am sad that I never got to really know my grandpa. He died in 2001, and now I only can know my grandpa through my fuzzy early childhood memories, my family's shared stories of him, and his art.

Miss you, Grandpa...I know you're painting beautiful pictures of Heaven!

My Grandma Helen and Grandpa Don in Germany (where they got married!)

Grandpa reading me my favorite
childhood book, "Meet Penny"

Here are a few of his drawings/paintings we have around our house.

The old Depot building in Thief River Falls

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beans the Stud

Since Nathan went to North Carolina...I get to take care of his pet leopard gecko--Beiner. I call him Beans. Well, leopard geckos experience relocation stress and since we moved him to Fargo first for a week, then to Thief, he went through the stress twice, so he hasn't eaten in over two weeks and has been very lethargic-like. However, tonight was a turning point. He still hasn't eaten but he's crawling all over and is just hilarius to watch. He'll lunge towards the glass when he sees me get up-close, because I have been holding him alot more--which he loves. When he crawled on the top of his little wooden house, basking in his light, I just had to take some pictures. Isn't he beautiful?!

I just love his markings--he is one of the most patterned adults I've seen. Most of them seem to be mostly yellow, with spots mainly on the tail.

In this picture you can see some of the Calcium powder I put on his nose! Since he isn't eating anything I put some of it on his nose which made him
lick it off so he at least got some nutrients.
He didn't like that very much.

Yeah, he's a stud. Its only been a week...but we've bonded. It's gunna be hard giving him back in 8 months!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Many Colorful Dreams

During this particular time in my life I am living back at home because I have a job here (a dirty, manual labor job at that--and which has nothing to do with my degree). My friends are soon going back to their own college-towns. My boyfriend has left for an 8 month internship in North Carolina. Needless to say, my day-to-day life has temporarily lost its spark. However, for some reason for which I am extremely grateful, I still have inner happiness and hope. I have many idealistic thoughts and dreams, although they seem to be put on hold, at least for now. During this time, I will choose not to lose my inner spark, but instead to continue to delight in the many colorful dreams and hopes I hold inside.

photos from http://vi.sualize.us

And so it began...Haiti 2004

In 2004 my church youth group was planning a mission trip to Haiti which is not even considered a Third World country--but a Fourth World country because of its extreme poverty. However, because there were some travel warnings (as there almost always are to Haiti) out of the 20 or so youth, only 2 of us were allowed to go by our parents. I distinctly remember my parents talking it over and my mom saying, "God doesn't use fear as a way to say no". So I was allowed to go. Because only two of us were able to go, some adults my youth leader knew around the area were invited to come with as well.
(I took these pictures with a disposable camera
so I apologize for the poor quality)

This was one of my favorite pictures I took while I was there. It is of the caretaker who lives at church locking the door. I just thought it looked so humbling.

This picture was actually published in The Times after our trip. We stayed with a pastor of the church above, and he takes in many orphans, and these were two of them. We had so much fun with them and despite the language barrier we were very thankful that laughs, smiles, and hugs are universal. Here is my favorite little boy, Solomon. He was such a sweetheart and loved playing with the bubbles. He was certainly a charmer. His mother actually lived here too, as she was a widow.

Looking back, I can tell that my trip to Haiti initially opened my eyes to my love of other countries. I loved learning about the different cultural do's and don'ts. Although I was a picky eater, I enjoyed trying very different food as well (and was pleasantly surprised!). However, my favorite part was spending time and laughing with the beautiful Haitian people. It is amazing to see how God is so alive, and His people are so joyful in these countries that are so impoverished. Even now almost 6 years later, I continue to be challenged by their amazing and steadfast faith.