Once upon a time...
Although life was different than she expected it to be,
She grew to know and trust her Prince more and more each day,
Her Prince being the one who is always there for her no matter what.
Not just an earthly boy, but both God and Man...the One who died for her.
She couldn't imagine anyone better to put her trust in.
There is peace, joy, and true happiness with Him.
She has learned to give her dreams and aspirations to Him...
Because He can do MUCH more with them through her than she ever could on her own.
Life isn't a fairytale...and as the saying goes...
He never said it would be easy...just that we wouldn't have to do it alone.
She has been saved by grace because of Him...and because of that...
Will live happily ever after.
Image from http://vi.sualize.us
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