Here goes...
What you can expect to see in a purse of:
Ages 7-12: Candy, a few Dollars and Loose Coins.
Ages 13-16: Gum, Wallet, Camera, Cell Phone, Lip Gloss.
Ages 17-26: Gum, Makeup, Camera, High Tech Cell Phone, Car Keys, Wallet, Ipod, Sunglasses.
Ages 27-44: Sometimes doubles as a Diaper Bag, Cell Phone, Keys, Wallet, Receipts, Gum, Cheerios, Kleenex, Nail Clipper, Nail file, Mints, Camera, Sunscreen, Hand Sanitizer, Lotion, Extra Hair Binders, Band-Aids, etc. etc. etc.
Ages 45-55: Wallet, Cell Phone, Car Keys, Camera, Receipts, Lip Stick.
Ages 55+: Kleenex, Wallet, Kleenex, Simple Cell Phone, Kleenex, Kleenex, Kleenex.
Not that you wanted to, but now you know.
Hahaha... I just read this now. I love it.