Sunday, January 3, 2010

Many Colorful Dreams

During this particular time in my life I am living back at home because I have a job here (a dirty, manual labor job at that--and which has nothing to do with my degree). My friends are soon going back to their own college-towns. My boyfriend has left for an 8 month internship in North Carolina. Needless to say, my day-to-day life has temporarily lost its spark. However, for some reason for which I am extremely grateful, I still have inner happiness and hope. I have many idealistic thoughts and dreams, although they seem to be put on hold, at least for now. During this time, I will choose not to lose my inner spark, but instead to continue to delight in the many colorful dreams and hopes I hold inside.

photos from


  1. Two thumbs up for maintaining inner spark. :)

  2. I love this one Kirsten :D those cups are SOO cute!

  3. I know! I want a shelf like that someday..haha. How fun would it be to collect teapots!
