Monday, March 5, 2012

Lemme see if I can Run it, Run it...

First full week of half marathon training: Complete.

I had kind of forgotten how much I love running
Like, really.  I love it.  I ran track and cross-country in high school, and since then have always kept running.

It's my thing. 

I get addicted to it.  I love the challenge of fighting through the longer runs.  I love the feeling of accomplishment when I finish them. As cheesy at it sounds, running really makes me feel alive.  It helps me feel like I am not just coasting through life.  It just gives me more energy and life during the day when I am consistently running.

This has been my computer background for awhile now...
I'm such a running nerd.

So I'm now training for my second half-marathon.  My goal for my first one was to do anything under 10 min miles, closer to 9 the better.  I wasn't pacing myself when I ran, so when I crossed the finish line and found out I had done 8:33 minute miles...I was pumped.  And then I ate a piece of free pizza someone handed me and I almost threw up. Why would they be giving out pizza after this? I guess they had fruit too.  Maybe I ate a banana first.  I don't remember.

So now I'm kind of mad at myself, because I can't run again and do worse than the first time.  However, even if I do, I guess I can blame the altitude.

Guess I better take this training seriously.
Both yesterday and today I ran 5 miles.  I wasn't planning on doing that.  It just sort of happened. Not that 5 miles two days in a row is alot when training...but I haven't been running much at all since I moved.

Backstory: So yesterday I looked up a new church to try.  That's probably one of the worst parts of moving...finding a good new church.  There are some C-r-a-z-y churches out there.  Well, I've loved the two Acts29 network churches (church plant network) that I've visited back in MN, so I decided to look some up in Denver.  I had tried the first two on the list, so this time I went with the third one.

I pull into the parking lot...and parked right next to me, is my friend Alex who I went to college with back in MN. I knew she went to a church downtown, but I didn't remember the name of it.  Also, I thought she was still up in the mountains where she had been snowboarding all weekend.  Well, turns out she had left early and made it in time for church!

Small world.

So after the service, we decided to go running together.   5 miles.  Check.  And it was a beautiful day out--mid 60s.  I'll take it.  As Alex said when we were done..."I love the feeling after a run, and its a beautiful day, and Taylor Swift is on the radio...."  Well said.

Then today I had the day off and it hit 70 degrees.  I obviously had to run again.  There's a trail close by called "Powerline Trail". It follows....a powerline.
Definitely not Lake Calhoun...but, look! Mountains! 
Very far away...but still.  Take what I can get.  

I didn't have a certain milage to hit, as today was supposed to be a rest day.  So I just started running.  Well, my lil gps running tracker thingy didn't work because of the powerline. First thought? I'm for sure gunna get cancer running under these things. 

So I downloaded MapMyRun, which is a better app anyway.  Then...I started running.

Well, I kept running til I hit the edge of the city.  I was greeted by hundreds of prairie dogs popping up and down.  Hi! Bye! Hi! Bye! Hi! Bye! I love those lil guys.  Maybe Quincy could use a friend...
 Most Boring Picture of the Year Award.
 But, look! Prairie dogs! (They're there...I promise..)

Well, I ended up running about 5 miles again.

Now my hip hurts.

Good one.

That's why there's a training plan.  To keep you from training too little....or too much. 

Oh well.  I'll learn that lesson eventually, hopefully before I start training for my first Full marathon I'm already signed up for this fall....gulp.

Anyway.  I'm happy that I'm back in training mode.  I like running.  Really, I do.  And if you read my last post you'll know I also like cookies.  Another thing I like about being in training mode is I don't have to worry about my weight much.  I know I've been super blessed in that area 5'10-ness helps a lot with that.  But I can definitely feel the difference when I'm in shape vs. not. 

My mom sent me new workout clothes right before the Half last year.
I was pumped. 
And I ate all the cookies I wanted. 

So running and cookies go together really well actually.  And it's not just Girl Scout Cookies.  I feel like everyone has to talk about how much they like them.  It's like a rule.  You buy the Girl Scout Cookies--you eat them--and you tell everyone how awesome they are.  As if the rest of the world didn't already know.  But really, I like every kind of cookie.  Except store-bought M&Ms cookies.  To me they're like the red-headed stepchild of cookies. (No offense to red-heads or stepchildren.  Jesus loves you both.  It's just an analogy.  Don't hate me.) I also like chips and cream cheese on my carb-filled bagels.... and chocolate.

Which is why I choose to run.  Of course moderation is key.  Otherwise you don't have good fuel for your runs.....or you run too much, too soon, and you hurt your hip.  Stupid hip. 

Bottom line: If you come running with me.....or bring me cookies....or you are prairie dog, you will be my friend forever.  I'm easy to please.


  1. you have a winning combination Kiddio! Colorado, cookies, and running! More power to ya!! Maybe if you found those running shoes it would help your hip problem?- Mommio

  2. I love that you're in my life!! I will see you tomorrow during lunch with my running shoes!...I sure as heck won't run 5 miles, but I'll start somewhere! -Ash

  3. Hey Kirsten,
    Just got caught up on all your blog posts! What a fun few minutes...........I laughed out loud and decided I need to spend more time with God. All in one! You bless me with every word you write!:-)
    You definitely have a gift for writing! Ever considered doing something with that??? Just a thought.....
    Have a great day!
    love denise

  4. P.S. LOVE your new car!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I want to run and see mountains!
