"Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us, but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that. "
Ephesians 5:1&2 (The Message)
If I were to describe my personal state of being these past two weeks, it would be this: Survival mode.
No I'm not stranded on an island, or homeless, or stricken by disease, or being chased by a tiger. In fact, my circumstances are just the opposite. I've been completely blessed and taken in by those around me--by this new community of people who have all made me feel so incredibly welcomed. So why does my spirit feel like I'm in this constant state of survival?
I think it's because I'm still totally out of my comfort zone. As welcomed as I feel, it's not "home" yet.
I'm constantly meeting new people, eating food in new places and watching sports in different homes, and it's been so much fun--but I wasn't able to really let my guard down.
Until this past weekend at church while worshiping.
Because worship felt like home.
And again while hiking up a mountain.
Because the same Creator who made that mountain, is the one who created me.
West Tiger Mountain hike with my friend Carrie |
Even though I'm in a new state, a new city, a new home, looking for a new job, hanging out with new friends, getting used to being in a new type of dating relationship...
I still worship the same God.
And at that moment I realized that in my state of survival mode I've been sort of neglecting my relationship with Him, which is exactly the opposite of what I should be doing at this time in my life. He's my Constant. The never-changing, always faithful Savior and friend that I need at all times in my life---but especially during big life changes.
He created me to praise Him. Not just in worship at church, but with my lifestyle. With the way I interact with others. These past two weeks I haven't been focused on loving others the way I am called to do, either. Survival mode makes a person focus entirely on themselves. "How can I feel safe, comfortable, and loved?" while neglecting the "How can I make others feel safe, comfortable, and loved?"
I need to get better at that second part.
Survival mode in general is a good thing--it keeps us safe and alive.
But it should only be temporary. Are you about to be eaten by a tiger? Then run. God gave you instincts and legs for a reason. Jump that fence...and then get on with your life. Give God the praise, then go love on the people in your life. Don't reconstruct your life around this constant fear of becoming tiger lunch.
My survival mode is over. I'm here, I'm safe, now it's time to get refocused.
The cool thing about situations like being chased by a tiger and surviving or moving to a new state for the 2nd time in a year, is that eventually you will have a cool story to tell about how God stepped in and did something amazing.
You just have to be paying attention.