Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear [Birth] Mother,

Dear [Birth] Mother:
You may never read this,
As I may never find you,
I may decide to never look,
Or you might not want to hear from me.
Either way, I want to thank you.
Thank you for giving me life.
Thank you for thinking of my well-being,
Even though it may have been very hard for you.
I don’t know the situation
I may have ruined your life
Your reputation, or your relationships.
I may have been the biggest mistake of your life.
But you still decided to give ME life.
And it has been an amazing one!
Through your decision, I have acquired the best family ever.
I am daddy’s little girl, and my mother has a heart of gold.
Many who are adopted feel neglected
They feel they don’t know their true identity.
Not me. No, I have a birth mother who cared enough
To do what she thought was best for me.
I now have a family that loves me unconditionally.
They encourage me in all things,
They taught me to love the Lord,
I know who I am—a daughter of Christ.
That is my true identity.
I feel like I belong 110% in my small little family.
There are only three of us,
But more love and understanding than you can imagine.
Although not genetically, I am a part of them.
I love telling my story. I am not ashamed—but proud!
I love that I was adopted, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
I would not be the same person if I wasn’t adopted.
It took one couple’s genes, and another couple’s love
To make me who I am today.
I don’t know where you are, or who you are.
I may have brothers and sisters! Wow…
I may look like you, or laugh like you.
I may never find out.
And that’s okay.
I don’t need to meet you to feel whole.
I just want to thank you.
I am doing well. I hope you are too.
Love, Kirsten.


  1. oh my goodness, I started to tear up! I love that you are so thankful!

    I'm thankful you are adopted too, otherwise I probably wouldn't have ever met u in skating or school!

  2. Yeah i know! Crazy huh! Because every friendship or relationship I have had probably never would have taken place..very strange to think about! Which makes me so sure that this is how God planned it to be! Also--I had sort of forgotten, but tomorrow is my adoption day! Haha. Oct. 23.

  3. well now you know what made you post this!

    God is amazing!

  4. Kirsten,

    Your post made me cry like a baby, for so many reasons. I feel so blessed to know you.........

  5. :) Never saw this the first time you posted it. So glad you reposted the link. So beautifully stated Kirsten
