Dear [Birth] Mother:
You may never read this,
As I may never find you,
I may decide to never look,
Or you might not want to hear from me.
Either way, I want to thank you.
Thank you for giving me life.
Thank you for thinking of my well-being,
Even though it may have been very hard for you.
I don’t know the situation
I may have ruined your life
Your reputation, or your relationships.
I may have been the biggest mistake of your life.
But you still decided to give ME life.
And it has been an amazing one!
Through your decision, I have acquired the best family ever.
I am daddy’s little girl, and my mother has a heart of gold.
Many who are adopted feel neglected
They feel they don’t know their true identity.
Not me. No, I have a birth mother who cared enough
To do what she thought was best for me.
I now have a family that loves me unconditionally.
They encourage me in all things,
They taught me to love the Lord,
I know who I am—a daughter of Christ.
That is my true identity.
I feel like I belong 110% in my small little family.
There are only three of us,
But more love and understanding than you can imagine.
Although not genetically, I am a part of them.
I love telling my story. I am not ashamed—but proud!
I love that I was adopted, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
I would not be the same person if I wasn’t adopted.
It took one couple’s genes, and another couple’s love
To make me who I am today.
I don’t know where you are, or who you are.
I may have brothers and sisters! Wow…
I may look like you, or laugh like you.
I may never find out.
And that’s okay.
I don’t need to meet you to feel whole.
I just want to thank you.
I am doing well. I hope you are too.
Love, Kirsten.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
God is Just So Funny Sometimes....
Before college started up this semester, I randomly volunteered online for World Relief helping new immigrants. Well awhile later they called me and asked to set up an appointment to see when I was available. This was when school was about to start. I said I would have to wait and see how my homework load and classes went. They have called me back twice since then and I missed the calls...and never called back because sometimes I'm just too selfish with my time. Well today I came home from Chipotle and was telling my roommate Tricia (who went to Guatemala with me) how much I want to get my Spanish back..and how i need to speak it more often or i'll completely lose it. Half hour later...Call from world relief. Ignore the call. Listen to the voicemail..."Hey Kirsten, just trying to still get ahold of you....We just got a family from Mexico and its a very unique case, and we saw you spent 4 months in Guatemala so we assume you speak some Spanish...Give us a call back if your interested!" God...your so funny sometimes. Needless to say...I finally called them back. The mom is recently separated from her husband and evicted from their home...5 little English. Whew! least I know God's behind on this one! More updates to follow I'm sure =).
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Picking up an old hobby...
I first learned how to crochet in Middle School. I made a few potholders and scarves through high school, but thats about it. I had also made a very simple baby blanket for my cousin Jamie who had a baby two summers ago. My freshman year of college I decided to try making my mom a blanket for mother's day. It definitely had its mistakes, but it was made with love and has been placed on our couch ever since. Well, almost three years ago now I started making another blanket. But because the college homework load is always burdensome, I never got around to finishing it. I would just do a little if I had free-time. Well I pulled it out again today since I don't have homework due until next Tuesday...and figured I'd post a picture of my work in progress. I still need to connect the squares and add another row or two, but it's getting closer!
I originally started making it for my roommate Lindsay who asked me to make her one...but since it is made from baby colors I might give it to the next friend who has a baby....but knowing me, it probably won't get done for awhile. Maybe i'll keep my word and just wait until Lindsay has a baby=).
I originally started making it for my roommate Lindsay who asked me to make her one...but since it is made from baby colors I might give it to the next friend who has a baby....but knowing me, it probably won't get done for awhile. Maybe i'll keep my word and just wait until Lindsay has a baby=).
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I have never faithfully attended chapel at Bethel until this year. I now wish I had always made time to go, as I missed out on so much the past 3 years!
Three days a week.
45 minutes.
Amazing worship music.
Insightful and Biblically based sermons.
Godly campus pastors and world renowned speakers.
Bethel is blessed.
45 minutes.
Amazing worship music.
Insightful and Biblically based sermons.
Godly campus pastors and world renowned speakers.
Bethel is blessed.
7 Layer Bar

Bethel has a new baker as of last year..and he makes AMAZING desserts. My favorite: 7 layer bar. I haven't tried making them yet, but found this recipe if your interested! They are very rich, but sooo good.
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter
- 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
- 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
- 1 cup butterscotch chips
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 1/3 cups shredded coconut
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).
- Place butter in 13 x 9 inch pan and melt in oven. Swirl to coat bottom and sides with butter.
- Spread crumbs evenly over bottom of pan. Layer chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and nuts over crumbs. Pour condensed milk over nuts. Sprinkle coconut over condensed milk. (You can vary the order of layers for different tastes)
- Bake until edges are golden brown, about 25 minutes. Let cool.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Where God is Leading Me....
I have been having quite a time deciding on what I want to do after I graduate. However, I think I have decided what I'm going to do! My boyfriend's mom once mentioned that she thought I might make a good ESL (English as a second language) Teacher...which I didn't think too much of because I just thought of teaching kids which I just don't have a passion for doing. So I decided to join this career focus group at Bethel, which includes taking the Strong Interest Inventory. (Thats the test that shows you good potential careers for you, etc.) Well my top three suggestions included education. A teacher?! Me? Well, after talking to my roommate Tricia, she said it just takes a couple of months to get your ESL certificate. She also said there is a need to teach newly immigrated adults English and also just basic cultural skills...Something I think I would LOVE doing!!
Looking back I feel as though God has led me to this place. Studying a foreign language in Guatemala gave me the experience of what its like to be on the "other side". My major--Sociocultural Studies--has prepared me for encountering different cultures and has given me a passion to learn about them. I am now in the process of applying at the U of M for my ESL Certificate, so we will see if God keeps opening the doors in this direction =).
Looking back I feel as though God has led me to this place. Studying a foreign language in Guatemala gave me the experience of what its like to be on the "other side". My major--Sociocultural Studies--has prepared me for encountering different cultures and has given me a passion to learn about them. I am now in the process of applying at the U of M for my ESL Certificate, so we will see if God keeps opening the doors in this direction =).
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