Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blessings in Disguise

You know how every once in awhile you have one of those days? Those days where nothing seems to go right, and it takes alot of effort to get your spirits up....Well I am trying to see those days as blessings in disguise. As the cliche goes, If we didn't have the bad days, we wouldn't appreciate the good ones. Usually in the bad days we discover something about our character...may it be a strength or a weakness. If it happens to be a weakness, it can be a time of growing and stretching yourself. If that bad day is filled with loneliness, it is an extra opportunity to lean on God and make sure you are making HIM your #1 instead of someone else. If that bad day is filled with self pity, I encourage you (as I encourage myself) to ask God to show you how truly blessed you are, and to provide an opportunity to bless others instead of being so focused on yourself.

I have recently been "called out" on some of my own character flaws by someone really close to me. Although it was extremely hard to hear, and even harder to humbly face up to them, I hope everyone has someone in their life that holds them accountable. As I strive to become more like Christ, some days I think I have gotten farther away from the goal. It is frustrating, but I think it keeps me humble knowing that no matter what I do or don't do, I am saved by grace. All in all, my new challenge is to find the many blessings that God has hidden in our day-to-day lives, whether it is the "good" day or the "bad" one.

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