Monday, January 20, 2014

Step out of that Boat!

If you listen to Christian music at all, you've probably heard one of my new favorites: Oceans, by Hillsong. We also sing it at church and last week the chorus really hit me. In a terrifying way.

Maybe "convicting" is a better word than is the chorus: 

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior"

It's beautiful, right!? But if you really pay attention to what you are asking Him to do, it is sort of terrifying. You are giving Him permission to take you way out of your comfort zone. Being a true Christ follower does not set your life up very well to be comfortable. If you're always comfortable, ask God if that is truly where He wants you. If we are comfortable, that might mean we aren't letting Him lead us. 

Or maybe we are letting Him lead us, but we aren't deciding to fully follow. 

I don't know about you, but being able to walk on water, by faith, would be...pretty awesome. But that requires us to first take action. We have to first step out of the boat. Step out of our comfort zones. 

It is up to us to take that first terrifying step when He calls us...whatever that might be. 

Maybe deciding to follow Him in the first place, when we know our friends and family will tease or even disown us. Maybe to quit our job and move to a new state...with no new job in place yet. To go and sit at the table with the quiet kid who doesn't have many friends and strike up a conversation. 

Maybe to give up that new fancy car in order to help a family in need. To start training for a 5k, 10k, half or full marathon even when you completely doubt yourself right away. To quit your job, uproot your family, and become missionaries in a different country. Maybe even to breakup with that boyfriend/girlfriend who you love but isn't living a Christian life and is starting to pull you down with them. 

None of that is comfortable. None of that is easy. But all of that could drastically and immediately change your life if you do them in faith in response to the Lord's calling. All of those types of decisions could allow you to proverbially walk on water. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Don't let this life fly by and not ever experience leaping out in faith and seeing how God catches you and makes something even more beautiful out of your life. 

And once you do? Don't ever stop telling people about how God is faithful. And don't ever stop asking Him which boat you need to step out of next. 

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