Monday, January 6, 2014

Don't be a NYR bore.

New Years Resolutions. What a topic. One year I resolved to not drink pop (soda...whatever) for the entire year and it lasted until March. I was at a pizza party and It was just gross to eat my Thin n Crispy (with extra cheese) pizza with a water. Dr. Pepper came to my rescue and my friends cheered me on as I ceremoniously broke my New Years resolution. Friends are awesome like that. 

So bear with me here, isn't it kind of annoying to ask someone if they have a NYR and they reply with, "Oh I don't make resolutions because....I never keep them/they're so cliche/I'm setting goals all year round, etc" (Sorry if that was you this year. I'm guilty too.)

Ohk then. Conversation over. 

How about just make something up for the sake of humoring me. Tell me you're resolved to wear a blue shirt the first day of every month. How about checking the couch cushions for spare change once a week to save for a vacation. Walk the dog on a new route every day. 

Be creative. You don't even have to follow through with your NYR...because who does that? Plus, who could remember to wear a blue shirt the first day of every month, seriously. 

It took me a few days to come up with some after my own "I don't make New Years Resolutions because..." excuses, but here are 2 of my week-late resolutions: 

1) Write shorter blogs. Not super short, because of that I'm incapable. I'm a rambler writer by nature. But I want people to be able to sneakily read them at work. Not avoid them because who reads more than 140 characters at a time anymore? 

2) Run a full marathon. Because it's 26.2 miles. And I'm 26 years old. And apparantly crazy. 

That's it. 2 resolutions for 2014. And yes, I've already blown #1 with my last blog I posted, but oh well. At least I'm not failing on a couch-cushion-checking schedule. 

Now, I know I'm a week late...but let's try this again. What are your New Years Resolutions!? 

1 comment:

  1. This is good. And it's funny and made me smile. I never thought about a resolution this year, but I did start working out again (after quite a while) around Thanksgiving, so I think the routine is starting to set in. So that could be it. And I like it.
