It is the 70th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz movie this year! There have been big screen showings at various theaters, and they have now come out with a blue ray disc of the classic. The Wizard of Oz has always had a very special place in my heart. Actually, I would even go so far as say its my favorite movie of all time. When I was in middle school my aunt and I hosted the coolest Wizard of Oz themed birthday party for my younger cousin, Bryana. My grandma made her a Dorothy costume and we gave her low braided pigtails with a bow-ribbon like Dorothy. We glued red sparkles to dress shoes for all the little girls, and the little boys got tin-man hats. We had melted witch punch that was green with a hat floating on top. We made a "yellow brick road" from chalk in the front driveway which led into the house, which had witch legs sticking out from it, as in the movie when the house lands on the wicked witch.
After this birthday party I realized how much I really loved the movie. I then created my own "Wizard of Oz" website! It had all the lyrics, the bios of the actors, movie bloopers, pictures, and lots of other fun stuff. Ha, it was more of a "summer boredom" project, so it didn't last long, but it was still fun to do my research on the movie.
Needless to say, I am no longer that obsessed, but I do really enjoy the movie and think it will always be my all-time favorite movie. I still cannot believe my own boyfriend has never seen the movie. I think a movie-date is in order for the near future!!!
Also, shout-out to Danielle who also loves this movie =)