Thursday, October 4, 2012

So there's a softball sized creature that lives in my apartment...

Normally I'm the queen of being able to make it to last minute plans.  Which has gotten me many-a-free tickets to things like sporting events and concerts when other people bail.  But the past week or so has been crazy. I got back from our big roadtrip, then 
Tuesday night Josh went back to Seattle. Brutal. 
Wednesday night I had small group.  
Thursday night I went to the RHCP concert with Alex (see second sentence). 

Friday was our annual Audit day at work...which was a pretty big deal.  Then Friday night I finally unpacked from the roadtrip and bought some groceries blah blah blah.
Saturday I worked and had dinner with my dad who was in town because he had a Charter Bus run here.  I loved that :) 

Sunday I flew to Pittsburgh for the World Vision-Day of Prayer...we got to spend it with the WV Pittsburgh staff and sightsee a bit---which was all awesome.  I often take it for granted, but WOW do I work for an amazing organization!

So I got back to Denver on Tuesday night.  
Then on Wednesday I got to practice my volunteer coordinating skills....and lead 98 middle school students (who were honestly so much fun) in a sort project at work since Ashley (regular volunteer coordinator) is on vacation this week.  That energy filled and lots-of-coffee kind of workday.  Which resulted in an "I know I brought my lunch, but I need some Qdoba and Coldstone" kind of lunch break. 

So today? Today I finally realized it's fall in Denver.  So I went for a 3 mile run at lunch because when it's're supposed to run outside and then post on Facebook about how much you love running outside in the fall. I then made it through the afternoon on a wonderful runner's high. 
I went to Target after work just for cat food (aka hedgie food)....and left $72 later.  Target is like a crazy evil vortex.  You can never walk in and leave without spending at least $50.  But I really just needed that pumpkin coffee creamer.  And 'Fall Leaves and Spice' air freshener for my apartment.  Yes. I did need it.  Because it's fall. 

Then I got home and checked on the softball sized creature that lives in my apartment (that's Quincy)....and he was out cold.  


He had begun hibernating because it was too cold for him.  Hibernating is normal for hedgehogs in the wild to do....but deadly for domesticated hedgies.  This was the third time this has happened so I knew the drill.  I put him directly on my stomach and covered him up.  45 minutes and a very red and scratched up stomach hedgie is now running on his wheel without a care in the world.  It was a little scary though.  My favorite part is when he finally wakes up...because first he just stares off into space.  Then he acts drunk and kind of wobbles around. 
And he's just cute. 

Coming out of his stupor. 

But he's okay now.  And the busyness should settle down for I can actually talk to my best friend who is finally back from Alaska :) And maybe go see a movie. And maybe do some shopping since I haven't bought any new clothes for months.  Oh and do my laundry. 


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