Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cutting up Cantelope.

I usually write a post after something exciting happens.

Today, I'm not.

Today I came home from work and the highlight of the evening was cutting up a cantelope.

....Cutting up a cantelope....

Whoo. Hoo.

And I learned I'm horrible at it.  (But really, is there an actual technique to this? I almost Googled it.) But I will say I did get better, because the last few pieces I actually saved more than threw away.  So I could say I learned a new skill.

Puttin that one on the resume.

Usually I'd have small group Bible study tonight..but we're in between summer and fall sessions.

I wish I at least had a roommate.  Well, another one minus the spikes. (love you, Quincy)

But yanno what? I kind of like my nights with nothing planned.  I value occasionally being bored.  In moderation of course...but people run around too much.  They're committed to 50 different things a week and never have time to just sit and be bored.  I also think it's hard for God to speak to us when we're constantly running around being distracted.  Of course He is known for grabbing our attention no matter what is going on around us, but I often find myself asking Him where He's leading me in a certain part of life....then I rush off to my soccer game.  "g2g, God, ttyl!" Okay, now what field are we playing on? I hope I packed my shinguards...

Waaaayyy too distracted.

But tonight, my apartment is clean, my hedgie is sleeping, I don't have cable, so tonight--I'll just be bored.  And blog about it.  Because someday I'll probably have kids running around, dishes that need to be done, clothes that need to be washed, meetings I need to get to...and I'll wish I could just sit and do nothing and not feel guilty about it.

Don't get me wrong, you need to be involved in stuff and be social and all of that.  We're made to be relational.

And don't be lazy.  No one likes that.

But I think constantly being busy can be bad.

So just like mint Oreos, crazy family members, guacamole from Chipotle, and time spent with that-friend-that-you-love-but-can-only-take-so-much-of....everything is best and healthy (yes, Oreos can be healthy, because I say so) moderation.

Cliche #92: "Everything in moderation!" 

Because life isn't always about running to the next social event or about planning your next trip or even about climbing big mountains.

Sometimes, it's about cutting up cantelope.


  1. Somehow, some way, and I don't know became wise beyond your years. I seriously love reading your always causes me to think about something that I wouldn't have otherwise. So, thanks! Your dad just stopped by and drove his motorcycle into our garage and took my car for the weekend. :-)
    Drove over 700 miles on the Harley today and he's exhausted! Can't wait to see you next month!

  2. Thank you so much for that encouragement, Denise!! Means alot!!!!

    Also, thanks for taking in my father this weekend! ;)

    And I am SO excited to see you guys too!!

  3. Though I've only known you for a short while... I consider you one of my closest friends! Love you! "hug"!
