Tuesday, April 23, 2013

23 thoughts on the 23rd.

1. It's April 23. That means I'm 11 days from my 3rd Half Marathon.

2. I'm nervous.

3. Each Half I've done has been in a different state.

4. Everyone that works at the gym I work at is ALWAYS eating fast food. Job security?

5. My car got broken into last weekend. This weekend I shattered my iPhone screen. There must be some life analogy for broken glass in there somewhere...

6. Five years ago at this time I had been living in Guatemala for almost 3 months.

7. I have been eating wayyy cleaner than I ever have before. But I exercise the same amount. Last year at this point in my half marathon training I weighed about 20 lbs more than I do now. Eating clean works.

8. Don't worry, cookies are still my friends.

9. I've loved having so many visitors this past month. But it made me sorta feel like I was visiting, too. So, like, I really do live here? That...is awesome.

10. I'm reading a book called "Behind the Beautiful Forevers. Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity." And now I want to go to India and hug every single child living in the slums. Can I?

11. Both of my jobs require lots of small talk with customers. I've recently learned that people in Seattle don't know how to talk about anything besides the weather when it's sunny. True story.

12. It's going to be 70 degrees the next two days here.

13. Ever since high school I've always desperately missed playing sports. Until now. Now I just want my bike.

14. I wish my parents lived closer.

15. I still have SO much to learn from my parents. My dad always has a good perspective on just about everything (and he grills some amazing burgers). My mom is one of the best examples of a Godly woman and she has the sweetest, purest heart. That's pretty hard to find!

16. I need to start setting some life goals. No idea where I'm at or where I'm going some days.

17. I have major baby fever lately. No, no, not for me. I just need to hold someone else's baby. Anyone?

18. Snapchat (@kirstenanna33)

19. Vine (kirstenmelvie@gmail.com)

20. Timehop.

(Three of the best social apps ever, that I was apparently way behind in discovering.)

21. My laptop has finally had enough of this life. RIP MacBook. You were a good little soldier. 2006-2013.

22. Anyone want to buy me a new laptop?

23. Sir Mix-a-Lot works out at the gym I work at. I will refrain from any Big Butt puns. But I cannot lie..

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