I was always good at math, but I never liked it. Numbers bore me. I just don't pay attention to them. I'm horrible at birthdays, I wouldn't even remember my own if Facebook didn't tell me, and I'm horrible at memorizing phone numbers. I have nightmares about locking my phone in the car and not being able to get a hold of anyone. Okay thats a lie, I have nightmares about much weirder things. But really, I have two numbers that I intentionally memorized, and that is my mom's and my boyfriend's. Neither of which live in Colorado, so I'm still screwed if I lose my phone.
But I've decided to woman up and embrace numbers...but just for tonight.. And blog about my life lately with them. Hey numbers, I'm sorry, I'll give you this one chance. But I make the rules here, and I'm not putting them in any order...and I might repeat some. I'm not apologizing.
3. The number of times I've repeated a certain Carly Rae Jepsen song tonight. Don't judge me. Three isn't even that many. You know that when it comes on the radio in your car and you're alone you turn it up a few notches. You don't? Well then you don't have a soul. Or you just have good taste in music....unlike me. My music taste is very unsophisticated. Call Me Maybe?
5. The number of Mint Oreos I've eaten in the last 10 minutes. I'LL RUN TOMORROW, I PROMISE.
2. The number of firework shows I've gone to this week...neither of which was actually on the 4th of July. I feel like that's what a hipster would do. I swear I'm not a hipster. Uh oh. That's what a hipster would say. I'M NOT, I PROMISE!! I ATE A CHEESEBURGER YESTERDAY!!!
Yes, I realize I'm doing lots of promising in capital letters tonight. Remember what I said about judging me?
6. The number of months I've lived in Colorado, by myself, without cable. I hate living alone--I miss my roomie. I actually love not having cable--except I miss the Kardashians.
12. The number of months I haven't straightened my hair with a straightener.
Fact: I have natural wavy hair...but its only the bottom layer. So that's awkward.
2. The number of months I've been officially dating my boyfriend as of yesterday. How did we celebrate? We Skyped. For almost 3 hours. And perfected the Skype-high-five. Be jealous.

Story time: So, the day he officially asked me to be his girlfriend, he brought home these beautiful hanging flowers that I LOVED.

Then I killed them.

I wouldn't have blamed him for breaking up with me. But he didn't. What a guy, right??
7. The number of days until above-mentioned boyfriend comes back to Denver to visit me.
2349862394809798697584913. The number of days it FEELS like until above-mentioned boyfriend comes back to Denver to visit me.
10. The number of miles I rode my bike on Wednesday.
52. The number of times I was reminded yesterday and today that I should maybe buy a new bike seat.
15. The number of glow in the dark bracelets that come in a pack from the dollar section at Target. Why did I buy these? Because HELLO!!! You get 15 glow in the dark bracelets for only a dollar!!!!
Alright. I'm sick of numbers. Happy Friday :)
As a music major, I will tell you that I LOVE Call Me Maybe. Everyone judges me, except little Aaron. He loves it too. We sing it together. :)
ReplyDelete1. The number of Roomies who miss you terribly.
ReplyDelete200. The number of cookies I have eaten in your honor.
47. The number of times you SHOULD have listened to Call me Maybe.