Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Hobby...

At the end of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Science Museum (where I currently work), there is a beautiful display of the new St. John's Bible...history's NEWEST handwritten and illustrated Bible which you can see at Well, it has inspired me to try and learn some calligraphy. So, when I went to the art store to buy supplies to make my mother's day gift, I also picked up some calligraphy pens! So I spent the evening practicing. It's really fun and sort of addicting! There are SO many different styles of calligraphy so I'm excited to learn more. Here is a little glimpse of my first few "practice pages".
Week 1:

Week 2:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tricia & Stephan's "Storm" Shower

When beginning to plan my roommate Tricia's Bridal Shower, one of the bridesmaids suggested we do a "Storm" shower instead. I had never heard of a Storm shower before, but once the term was explained, everyone agreed it was the perfect idea. Tricia and Stephan's friend group consists mostly of couples, and we all hang out together usually. Well, a Storm shower is basically a bridal shower, but the guys can come, too! (Hidden perk: Both the bride AND groom-to-be get shower presents). They will be getting married in Kenosha, Wisconsin, so all of their Minnesota friends invited to the wedding were invited to the Storm shower.
We had the shower at Lindsay's (maid-of-honor) mom's home, which was perfect! We knew we wanted to document it, so Lindsay's mom offered to let us use her DSLR I got to play! Here are a few lil snapshots of the Storm shower.
Lindsay, Me, and Rachel went a little early to set-up.
Close-up of their cake that Rachel decorated=)

Food! We also had twice-baked potatoes..yum!
Rachel helping Tricia put on the "Bride-to-be" apron they made for her.
Tricia with her apron. It says "I kiss better than I cook!"


Playing "LaBarre Trivia".. Stephan was very stingy about giving us points for our answers!
Opening presents!

I think I can speak for everyone that the Storm shower was a success!! Best wishes Stephan and Tricia! And thanks to Rachel and Lindsay for planning it, and for those two and Randiann running all over creation to get food, supplies, gifts and prizes!!
If the shower was this much fun..I can't wait for the wedding!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life by Numbers

Since I have had a mysterious fever for the past week, my life seems invaded by numbers. My daily identity has become a number.
For example: Mom/Roommate/Boyfriend: "How are you today?" Me: "Well, last night I was 101.7, but now i'm down to 100.3" Because of this, I am inspired to blog about my day numbers.
Tonight, I found 1 spider crawling on my bed. I usually don't mind spiders...but I'm not a huge fan when they decide to take a lil stroll across my sheets.
(This is the least creepy spider picture I could find ha)
I bought groceries tonight, and strawberries were on sale! So I got 2 containers of them. Hellooooo smoothies!

Because I have to work tomorrow morning, Danielle and I went to church tonight at 6 (Saturday night service) instead! It was awesome! We tried a new church, and it was an awesome message---about the importance of Joy. Also, we both commented that its kind of nice to go to church and not have the stresses of Sunday night homework/things to do right after church. I think I can speak for both of us..that we were blessed tonight :)

It is only 33 more days from today until I get to see Nathan again! He comes to Fargo for a weekend when his friend is getting married! Then, its only about 2 1/2 months after that until he's home for good!

Well, it is now 9:35 and I am roommate-less for the night, so I'm going to read the new book I bought for $19.99 from church tonight! I will most likely blog about the book later if it is as good as I hope it to be!

All pictures except the last one from