Thursday, October 22, 2015

Confessions of a Type B Personality

So many people that I know, love, and respect have at least some degree of a Type A personality. I call them superheroes:

To do lists galore. 
Multitasking like a pro.
Always on the go.
Accomplishing things in record speed. 

Yeah...that's not me. At all. 

I don't do To Do lists or any other kind of lists besides a grocery list. (Work life not included). 

I can't multitask to save my life. I do one thing and give it 100% of my focus, then I move on to the next thing.  Literally as I'm typing this Josh is commenting on the Seahawks game and I hear his voice but am not registering a single word he's saying. (Don't worry, he knows this about me ;))

If I'm texting I cannot verbally respond to someone at the same time. It's honestly physically impossible for me. I call it my superpower. Or not. 

I will say this lack of multitasking abilities does make me more effective at prioritizing, however. If I have lots of little chores I SHOULD do, I might only get to the most important ones. That way if something else comes up and I'm not able to finish everything? Oh well! Who needs groceries anyway! (Just kidding, I feed my husband, I promise.) 

My soul is almost always at rest. That sounds very hippy-dippy maybe, but I could be driving home from work or on the way to the grocery store and my mind and spirit will be quiet and at peace. I can fully relax and not think about anything. (This was most definitely NOT the case when wedding-planning last year, however! Or my entire college career. Or that one time I googled too many medical symptoms.)  

I am rarely stressed in my everyday life. I keep my calendar very free on purpose. But this also can cause me to be a bad friend. I truly care so deeply about my friends but I'm sometimes pretty horrible at being intentional and making time to see them. 

I'm often evaluating whether I'm staying healthy and balanced, or just plain being selfish. (Gasp!)

It's very easy for me to live a simple life. To fully enjoy a moment. To not get caught up in the busyness our culture so easily leads us into. And for the most part, this is a huge blessing. 

However, I know not everyone has a Type B personality. I realize many people thrive on busyness. It gives them life and energy.  And we need all of you Type A-ers! You get stuff done.  You accomplish amazing things. You inspire me to be a better friend. You are selfless and give so much of your time and gifts to others. 

But I still think some of you need to know that it's okay to slow down.  I want to give you permission to not finish your to do list today. I'm not a parent, but I think your child will be just fine if they are not in every single sport and activity available. In fact, they just might thrive with a little more space in their day to just be a kid. 

Turn your phone or laptop off a little earlier tonight and get a little more sleep. 

If things seem out of control in your life, what can you take out of your schedule? 

Or maybe you need to add something instead such as a coffee date to catch up with that friend who always encourages you or time alone to walk in a park or a cuddle sesh with a hedgehog (more relaxing than it sounds...kind of).  

Edit your life. Take out what isn't absolutely necessary so that you have more room to be and do more of "you". 

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert with a Type A or Type B personality, someone out there needs you at your best. The cashier at the grocery store needs your smile and patience. That lonely older person in the restaurant needs your random act of kindness. That friend you've been procrastinating getting together with simply needs your listening ear. 

It's simple, really. 

Ready? Break!