Sunday, February 8, 2015

"...for such a time as this."

Everything is covered in moss.

Our driveway, our roof, our backyard patio, every tree branch in our yard, our sidewalks...are full of moss. 

When I first moved out here and went hiking, I thought the moss made everything look so fairytale-esque and mysteriously beautiful. 

Now we are home owners and it's ugly and slimy. And...everywhere. 

Okay so that whole rant has nothing to do with the rest of this blog, so I'm just going to leave all that right up there.

So married life is amazing. Really, I am a big fan.  Confession: before I got married, every time I saw someone on Facebook get engaged/married...although I was happy for them, my heart always fell a bit.  I wish I wasn't like that. I wish I would have trusted more and been more content in HIS timing . But I wasn't. So whatever.  But now I do get genuinely happy and SO excited for them.  Which I like.  I wish my past self would learn a few things from my present self.  And I wish my present self could learn a few things that my future self will learn. 

But that's just weird and would make life a little boring I guess.

I made the comment the other night, laughing about how predictable our day-to-day lives have become, that someday we will look back on these days with fondness.  He wakes up at 4:50, I wake up at 5:30. We both get home between 3 and 3:45.  We both usually have a protein smoothie as a snack.  Then we go to the gym (hashtagMexico2015). Then we have dinner and watch How I Met Your Mother on Netflix until bedtime...which is usually 9:30, because apparently we're old now.

And I love it. 

But like I've mentioned in some of my last blogs...I feel like I should probably do more.

I've fully joined the She Reads Truth bandwagon and I absolutely love it.  I love it because unlike most devotionals, it gives you more than just 1 or 2 verses to read each day with a few cliche inspirational paragraphs to apply it to your daily life.  No, it's deeper than that.  It usually has you reading multiple verses out of multiple chapters in the Bible...and those inspirational paragraphs are actually challenging.

Anyway, it's been refreshing.

Currently they're doing a study on Esther, a book I've always loved.

The verse that they're focusing on is this: "...and who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" -Esther 4:14b

One paragraph they wrote that really hit me was this: "We all have different “kingdoms.” Each of us has been lead to a different destination, by a different path, journeying through unique circumstances to get where we are today. Where you are right now—where He has you in each moment—that is your kingdom. That very place is the piece of God’s Kingdom that He has entrusted to you. Whether you believe your kingdom is substantial or completely irrelevant, it is still yours and it is still His. You are still His. He has brought you here on your journey for such a time as this." (from

Although at times I've been impatient, I've honestly never once doubted that my whole life path was God-ordained and blessed. Every single step.

 First off being adopted by wonderful, loving, Christian parents. Having a care-free, happy childhood. Skip ahead 18 years then going to the college I did and graduated with the degree I did--"to work for an organization like World Vision!" (literal Kirsten quote from circa 2006). Having a high school/college summer job working at a garbage/recycling plant where I learned how to drive a forklift.  Graduating from college and applying to the World Vision warehouse in Minneapolis...a requirement? Forklift experience.

Working there for a little over a year, then finding out we would all be laid off in 2 months because they were shutting down that site. Although we were all shocked, I always had this deep feeling of hope and excitement during that time.  Radically deciding (all God...) to move to Denver.  No job lined up, no close friends there, at the time it really felt like a leap of faith.  I felt like God wasn't speaking.  I had 3 or 4 options of cities to move to, and I honestly felt like He was silent.  I ultimately chose Denver because I was following my love of outdoorsy adventure.  But now I realize that God PUT that sense of adventure in me to make it a little easier to follow His crazy plans for my life.

That was probably the craziest, scariest decision I've ever made so far. 

Once I decided to move there, and already started apartment hunting, I found out that 1 of the only 4 staff at the World Vision site in Denver...had just put in his 2 weeks notice...and I qualified for that position...WEIRD.  God, you crazy.

And now most of you know that at World Vision in Denver is WHERE I MET MY HUSBAND.

Of course, while 2012 Kirsten had lots of hearts in her eyes and Josh was a big part of the draw for my next big move to Seattle...

I know God was still in it :)

He provided a place for me to stay out here (Karen, I'll never thank you enough!) while I found a full-time job--eventually back guessed it! World Vision.

And THEN God provided us with a house to buy from my Dad's high school friend (another "weird..."), for below market value, and with no realtor fees, etc. etc. etc.

And amidst all of that house-buying craziness, I married the man of my dreams.

...and amidst all of THAT craziness....and after all those stories of how God always provided with the previous World Vision warehouse jobs...

I got a new job. So I now have a World Vision office job which I absolutely LOVE.


There is not even one tiny fiber of my being that believes I am where I am in life right now due to my own doings. It's all God.  I am humbled everyday by His blessings!! Yes, I've had to be obedient...but I've also screwed up SO MANY TIMES.  And doubted. And worried. But His grace and mercy abound!  One of the many ways I've received His grace, is that he's withheld some of the consequences I should have had because of my disobedience, doubt, and sin.  And for that I can only just give Him the praise!

So, now He's brought me here.  To this place in life.  Where all seems relatively calm, happy, and peaceful.

And He's brought you, there.  Wherever you are at.  Whether it was a  hard, easy, happy, or heartbreaking path you've taken.  You are now where you are, for a purpose. 

"...and who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

I have yet to find out why God has brought me to this "kingdom", at this time.  And maybe you do, too.

But I guess that's the beauty of this life...the finding out.