1) Don't check a bag. Plain and simple. You will someday have a bad experience with airlines either losing, stealing from, or ruining your bags. I GUARANTEE it.
I use a duffel bag and a backpack (right before boarding I stuff my purse into the backpack).
I know this one doesn't work for everyone, but I'm fairly low maintenence when it comes to packing, and I really don't want to deal with the drama when the airline loses your bag. Because eventually they will.
2) Don't try to be sneaky. Put EVERY liquid in your ziplock bag. Yes, sometimes you get away with it...but sometimes they make you open up your entire bag and the whole security line has a front row seat to your, um, well...you know.
3) Bring an empty reusable water bottle (think: nalgene). Because who wants to pay $5 for water after security. Plus you feel like more of a savvy traveler.
4) Bring snacks. Snacks = happiness.
5) Smile at people. Everyone is usually a little (or a lot) stressed in airports. Be extra patient and nice, especially to the airport staff. They get yelled at a lot by those crazy travelers who have had their bags lost.
6) Nap on the plane, because you don't need to be productive 24/7. And if you get motion sick, Dramamine is amazing. And it makes the napping easier ;)
7) Print your boarding pass. The electronic version on your phone can sometimes be really annoying and not work. And that's just embarassing.
8) Always use an airline that flies Boeing, because...Josh says so.
Okay, that's all I got. It's boarding time.