Saturday, May 10, 2014

Running for her.

I just finished a 17 mile training run. 

And I think it was the hardest--and most emotional--one yet. 

The first 13ish were actually pretty good and uneventful. And because running gives you LOTS of time to think, I was planning on writing a blog post about my training so far. What hurts, what feels strong, my strategies of eating along the way, water intake, etc. etc. 

But then I hit mile 14. 

Up until today, 14 miles has been my longest run ever so far. 

I still had 3 miles to go. It was in those last three, painful miles, that I realized this whole marathon training thing is way bigger than me. 

It simply wasn't just about me anymore. It wasn't about my training, my discipline (or sometimes lack thereof), my strength--mentally and physically. 

I am also aware at this point it really isn't even healthy anymore. My knees and hips are fighting me. The hours of pounding on the pavement is getting to them. 

No, it really isn't about me anymore. If it was, I would probably have quit by now. 

At mile 14, with 3 miles still to go, I suddenly knew it was all about her. 

I don't know her name. I don't know what village she lives in. But I do know she has to walk miles every single day to get water--dirty, yucky water--for her family. I know she most likely cannot go to school because of this chore she has been given. 

As I ran today, my small water bottle I was carrying felt heavier with each step. Although there were only a few ounces of water left in it, it became such an annoying burden. 

Then I was reminded again of her. How her frail little body has to carry multiple gallons of water for miles, every single day. How she doesn't have a choice. How she can't just say, "eh, I don't feel like it today" or she and her family would quickly die of thirst. 

The last three miles contained some of the most "real" moments I've experienced. I felt the most alive. I felt a lot of pain, both in my body and in my heart. But I knew I couldn't quit now. 

I've had 3 generous people give donations already to provide almost 4 people in Africa with clean water for life! 
It costs $50 to provide 1 person with clean water for life through World Vision's water program. My goal is for 26 people to have clean water.  26 "hers" to not have to spend a majority of her day and life fetching water. 1 person for every mile I run on June 21st. 

I run in faith that every step--whether joyful or a little painful--will be worth it. 

Because she's worth it. 
If you want to partner with me in this goal, here's the link!!

Just over a month left to go! Also--prayers for my body to hold up would be appreciated as well ;)