It's awesome to see all the scenery, laugh at little hick towns, eat awesome road trip snacks, have good conversations and sing at the top of your lungs to classic boy-band songs.
Yes, roadtrips are fun, but they're also a little overrated.
At least in my opinion. But maybe that's because we drove through the entire lengths of Wyoming, North and South Dakota. Besides the badlands, it's not exactly slam-on-the-brakes/picture-snapping scenery.
But although we definitely got sick of sitting in the car for hours and hours and hours, I'd still say it was a very successful and fun trip. Josh got to meet my grandparents, lots of cousins, aunts, and some of my best friends. He got to see where I grew up and where I went to college. We got to spend time with my mom who was with us for part of the trip, and the main reason for the trip: I got to stand next to two of my best childhood friends as they each got married on back to back weekends.
And on the note of weddings, I decided that someday when I get married...someone else is planning the entire thing. It was a blast to be a part of those two very unique weddings, especially because both brides were SO laid back and easy going while they enjoyed their beautiful day.
But I cannot plan things like that. I'd be stressed about everything. So someone else can plan it. Do whatever you want. Just make it pretty.
Anyway. Trip was great. My family and friends are awesome. The weddings were beautiful. We had lots of good laughs. And Josh and I still liked each other afterwards. In fact, we never even had one fight.
Which is saying something considering we were with each other for 25 nonstop days this month--which includes this 2,909 mile trip--after only ever having spent 3 or 4 days at a time together.
Good ol' long distance.
I kinda wonder what our first fight will be about. I hope its something interesting.
"No, we are not jumping down into that alligator infested swamp!" "Okay then, get eaten by the hippos chasing us to the edge of this cliff!"
Welp, here's a couple pictures of our Denver : Spearfish : Fargo : Minneapolis : Thief River Falls : Medora : Spearfish : Denver trip.

But I wasn't sad or depressed about it or anything. It was just....weird.
I suppose that's all just a part of this whole life thing.
You grow up and sometimes you move and you make new friends and get new jobs and meet new people and like new music and try new things and get new hobbies. You get used to acquiring a significant amount of 'news'. New is fun. New is good. There's adventure in 'news'. But then you hear an old song or see an old friend or walk through your old neighborhood...and memories flood back and you don't really know how to handle that because those 'olds' are still somehow a part of you. They're a part of your story, they just aren't main players in your current day-to-day story anymore. And sometimes that gets a little weird when confronted with an 'old'.
But, yanno what? I think that's okay.