First Praise--My parents moved out to South Dakota--and they are LOVING it!! The move went well, lots of good friends to help them with that...and now they are officially retired and can just relax and enjoy life! They get to explore the beautiful scenery and their new town while spending time together. I am so excited that they have this awesome opportunity to retire so young and enjoy it. It came at a perfect time on my side too. Being a recent college graduate, I have had to depend on my parents financially my whole life until right about the time they moved. I had two part time jobs which was enough for me to pretty much get by on my own. This is a praise because now I am no longer financially dependent on them--which would have been tough since they are on a retirement salary now :).
Second Praise--Nathan got offered a job with Cargill when he finishes school this May! Awesome opportunity for a college student to already have a job lined up with a great company. He got to choose from a couple different locations, but ultimately decided on going back to North Carolina. He will be in a different city than he did his internship, but he knows people at the plant he will be at, and he will be an hour closer to the beach! Along with this comes some big decisions for our relationship---and after alot of stressful, unproductive conversations we have decided just to rest in knowing that God is in control. He will work things out whichever way is best for us. Not having control is scary, but also freeing because He always has our best interests at heart...even though we may have to go through some hard times to get there.
Third Praise--Two weeks before my part time temporary job at the Museum is done...I got offered the Full-Time position at World Vision!!! God is SO faithful. He had been working behind the scenes on this for awhile and I had no idea--it completely blindsided me and I am so in awe of the perfectness of it all! It completely humbles me in knowing that He truly is in control and I just need to be a faithful follower and go through the trials to get to the perfect plan He has for me.
