I just got a new job...working for World Vision!! I'm so excited...because when I chose my major in college--Sociocultural Studies--I said I wanted to do that so I could work "with an organization like World Vision someday". God is good :)
Nathan leaves North Carolina today! It is crazy that he has been gone for 8 months..and that this time in our relationship is almost over! It will be quite an adjustment going back to having a boyfriend to hang out with again!
It cannot be said enough...but God is so good!! He has taken such good care of my family and me. Sometimes things don't go quite as we had planned..but looking back those times were vital in the plan to get us to where we are now. It has definitely tested my faith..and therefore made it that much stronger! I just don't know what to do with all the joy and happiness I have knowing that God is real..and He is taking care of me :)

Photo from vi.sualize.us