I am at a crossroads in my life. I have no plans of my own--whether that is a good or a bad thing, I'm not quite sure. I do not have a job yet, but I have no doubt that God will provide--because He always does. In this time, I have learned to be joyful and rejoice in the Lord even though things may not be going how I want them to.
My vacation in Arizona is done--it always goes so fast. I will rejoice and be thankful I had the privilege of going on that trip and getting a break from the cold MN winter!
I am sad that I have to move away from my home in TRF again--I love living with my parents because we get along sooo well and they are my biggest encouragements and support. I will rejoice that I have such amazing parents and always have a loving home to come to if I need.
I am moving to the cities today--jobless. I will rejoice that I get to go back to all of my friends that live there, and be joyful knowing that God is on my side and will lead me to where He wants me to go and do.
And last but not least...
I am worried about the Gecko surviving another relocation back to the cities. I will rejoice and be thankful that this time I have a travel companion =)
photo from http://vi.sualize.us