Saturday, July 6, 2013

This Season of Life.

It has now been over 6 months that I've been a Washington resident. crazy. But I fall more and more in love with this state and the awesome people in it every day. 

Some other crazy exciting news!? I will be a World Vision employee again as of this Monday!  I've been working there for a few weeks now, but as a temp. I will now be a Warehouse Specialist again, and yes, I have quickly re-acclimated to wearing jeans, a baggy shirt, ponytail and minimal makeup to work. Although sometimes I still go home and dress up for no reason just to feel girly ;) 

So starting next week I will again be officially official. Washington will be my third state in which I've worked for this awesome organization that does such amazing work!! (I love World Vision, can you tell?)

Some new coworkers! (Not my picture)

God is so faithful! Always, always. 

I also will soon be moving to an apartment with my friend Emily who is moving out here from Minnesota! I have been SOO unbelievably blessed to have been able to live with Karen since I was pretty "financially unstable" when I moved out here. Now she is headed to move and live the exciting downtown-Seattle life and I can afford to get an apartment! 

God is again faithful and His timing is perfect. 

Along with all the blessings, there are definitely some difficulties. The hardest part, especially lately, is being so far away from family and specifically my grandparents as they've recently had a series of strokes and a major heart attack. Although it kills me to not easily go and visit them when things like that happen, and even through all of the frustration, sadness and tears on my part...I am still affirmed in my heart that this is where I am supposed to be. No doubt in my mind. 

But that still doesn't make it any easier to be far away. 

This season of life continues to be full of changes, transitions, and never quite getting settled in anywhere for very long. But I'm ultimately enjoying the journey and have been blown away with how much God is teaching me through it. 

Patience. Truly being patient.
Trusting in His timing. Like, for real trusting. Not making up my own agenda for how things should go. 
Knowing when to leap. Not using "I'm being patient" as an excuse when I know I should actually be going out of my comfort zone in response to a call to action. (That is a hard, but important differentiation.)

And most of all, I'm learning that no matter where I live, or who I hang out with, or where I work, or how far away I am from my Jesus remains right here in my life and never ceases to show up. And He is fully, 100% deserving of all praise and total control over my life. 

Because guess what? 
He is faithful. And His timing is perfect. 

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